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Chapter 1: Introduction - Social Dimension of Circular Economy: Step Forward or Step Back?
1.1 Introduction: The Age of Circular Economy
1.1.1 The Focus of the Book: The Social Dimension of the Circular Economy
1.1.2 Step Forward: Making the Circular Economy Socially Sustainable
1.1.3 Step Back: A CE with Less Environmental Protection?
1.1.4 A Way Forward: Nested Circular Economy
1.1.5 Framing the Contributions of the Book: The UN SDGs and the Social Pillar of Sustainable Development
1.1.6 Introduction to the Contents of the Book
1.2 Conclusion

Chapter 3: The Relation Between Social Inclusion and Circular Economy Performance: An Analysis of Circular Economy Social Practices and Their Contributions to the Sustainable Development Goals
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Literature Review on SDGs and Social Practices in CE
3.3 Methodology
3.4 Results: Cause-and-Effect Nexus Between Practices and Social Benefits in the Circular Economy
3.4.1 Circular Design
3.4.2 Composting
3.4.3 Sharing Economy
3.4.4 Circular Business Models
3.4.5 Product as a Service
3.4.6 Repair
3.4.7 Reuse
3.4.8 Remanufacturing
3.4.9 Recycling

3.4.10 Waste to Energy
3.4.11 Upcycling
3.5 Discussion: Highlights of the Interrelationship of Social Practices in the Circular Economy and the SDGs
3.6 Final Remarks
Chapter 4: Business Models Supported by Circular Economy Principles and Practices for the Fruit and Vegetable Sector: An Analysis from the Perspective of Social Inclusion of Family Farmers
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Circular Business Models, Social Inclusion, and Family Farming
4.3 Methodological Procedures
4.4 Data Presentation and Analysis
4.4.1 Profile of Research Participants

4.4.2 Circularity in the Produce Segment
4.4.3 Social Inclusion and Family Farming
4.4.4 Discussion of Results
4.4.5 Demands that Must Be Prioritized for Circularity in the Produce Sector
4.5 Final Considerations
Chapter 5: Fighting Hunger and Educating Farmers with Regenerative Agriculture in Maputo's Green Horticultural Belt
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Theoretical Background
5.2.1 Resource-Constrained Innovation Literature
5.2.2 Regenerative Agriculture
5.3 Methodology
5.4 Results
5.5 Analysis
5.6 Discussion and Conclusions

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