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1: Introduction: Pulp Therapy for Children and Adolescents - Historical Approach, Present Perspective, and Future Directions
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Historical Perspective: Personal Approach
1.3 Present Perspectives
1.4 New Developments and Future Directions
2: Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms Guiding the Development and Repair of the Dentin-Pulp Complex
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Formation of the Dentin-Pulp Complex
2.3 Mesenchymal Condensation and Key Features of the Early Dental Papilla
2.4 Odontoblast Differentiation

2.5 Dentin Regeneration and Repair
2.6 The Role of Inflammation in Dentin Biology
2.7 Concluding Remarks
3: Dental Pain, Mechanism of Action
3.1 Dentinal Pain
3.2 Pulpal Pain
4: Assessment and Management of Pain in Pediatric Dentistry
4.1 Local Anesthesia in Pediatric Dentistry
4.2 Topical Anesthesia
4.3 Needle Selection
4.4 Injection Rate
4.5 Techniques of Local Anesthesia
4.6 Conventional Local Anesthesia
4.6.1 Supraperiosteal Technique: Local Infiltration

4.6.2 Palatal tissue's Anesthesia: Papillary-Interdental Anesthesia
4.7 Inferior Alveolar Nerve Block (IANB)
4.8 Computer-Controlled Local Anesthetic Delivery
4.9 Behavior Management During Local Anesthesia
4.10 Materials and Solutions
4.11 Side Effects and Complications
4.12 Toxicity
4.13 Allergy
4.14 Trauma to Soft Tissue
5: Behavioral Approaches as an Adjunct for Pulp Therapy
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Patient Assessment
5.3 Informed Consent and Parental Guidance
5.4 Basic Behavior Guidance Techniques
5.4.1 Communication

5.4.2 Tell-Show-Do
5.4.3 Distraction
5.4.4 Relaxation Exercises
5.4.5 Nitrous Oxide
5.5 Pain Validation
5.6 Management of Challenging Situations
5.6.1 Inability or Refusal to Cooperate
5.6.2 Inadequate Pain Control
5.7 Recovery After a Difficult Appointment
5.8 Conclusions
5.8.1 Case 5.3
6: The Caries Lesion: Diagnosis, Decision-Making, and Recommendations for Lesion Management
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Caries Disease Development and Control Strategies
6.3 Caries Diagnosis
6.4 Strategies of Dental Caries Lesion Management

6.5 Treatment Options for Initial, Moderate, and Extensive Caries Lesions
6.6 Concluding Remarks
7: Pulp Response to Clinical Procedures and Dental Materials
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Concepts About In Vitro Animal and Usage/Clinical Tests
7.2.1 Resin Infiltration Systems for Treatment of Enamel White Spot-Like Lesions
7.2.2 Silver Diamine Fluoride (SDF)
7.2.3 Tooth Whitening Agents
7.2.4 Bonding Agents, Glass Ionomer, and Calcium Silicate Cements
8: SDF as an Adjunct Approach for the Management of Caries
8.1 Introduction

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