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Regular Contributions
ACoRe: Automated Goal-Conflict Resolution
Nazareno Aguirre, Yves Le Traon and Mike Papadakis A Modeling Concept for Formal Verification of OS-Based Compositional Software
Guldstrand Larsen and Marcel Baunach Compositional Automata Learning of Synchronous Systems
Front-end JavaScript
Democratizing Quality-Based Machine Learning Development through Extended Feature Models
Efficient Bounded Exhaustive Input Generation from Program APIs
Feature-Guided Analysis of Neural Networks
JavaBIP meets VerCors: Towards the Safety of Concurrent Software Systems in Java
Model-based Player Experience Testing with Emotion Pattern Verification
Opportunistic Monitoring of Multithreaded Programs
Parallel Program Analysis via Range Splitting
Wehrheim Runtime Enforcement Using Knowledge Bases
Specification and Validation of Normative Rules for Autonomous Agents
Towards Log Slicing
VAMOS: Middleware for Best-Effort Third-Party Monitoring
Yet Another Model! A Study on Model’s Similarities for Defect and Code Smells
Competition Contributions
Software Testing: 5th Comparative Evaluation: Test-Comp 2023
FuSeBMC IA: Interval Analysis and Methods for Test-Case Generation.

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