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Section 1: Introduction to Analytics
Chapter 1: Business Analytics Revolution
Chapter 2: Foundations of Business Analytics
Chapter 3: Structured Query Language (SQL) Analytics
Chapter 4: Business Analytics Process
Chapter 5: Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)
Chapter 6: Evaluating Analytics Model Performance
Section II: Supervised Learning and Predictive Analytics
Chapter 7: Simple Linear Regressions
Chapter 8: Multiple Linear Regressions
Chapter 9: Classification
Chapter 10: Neural Networks
Chapter 11: Logistic Regression
Section III: Time Series Models
Chapter 12: Time Series Forecasting
Section IV: Unsupervised Model and Text Mining
Chapter 13: Cluster Analysis
Chapter 14: Relationship Data Mining
Chapter 15: Mining Text and Text Analytics
Chapter 16: Big Data and Big Data Analytics
Section V: Business Analytics Tools
Chapter 17: R programming for Analytics
Chapter 18: Python Programming for Analytics.

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