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Chapter 1: Introduction to Smart Ports & Robotic Systems: Navigating the Waves of Techno-regulation & Governance
Part I: Setting the Scene
Chapter 2: The Possibilities of Ocean Innovation Diplomacy to Promote Transnational Innovation Ecosystems for the Maritime Sector
Part II: Vessel Autonomy & Autonomous Systems Redux
Chapter 3: Utopia at Sea from the Captains Chair: Are Autonomous Ships the Real Solution to Human Error?
Chapter 4: Changing Ocean Observation and Cargo Carrying with Disruptively Affordable, Long Duration Autonomous Vessels Case Study: SubSeaSail LLC
Chapter 5: Crowdsourced Bathymetry and Automation: An Evolutionary Process to Improve the Means of Navigation
Chapter 6: The Use of Marine Autonomous Systems in Ocean observation under the LOSC: Maintaining Access to and Sharing Benefits for Coastal States
Part III: Smart Ports
Chapter 7: Implications of Technological Innovation and Respective Regulations to Strengthen Port & Maritime Security: An International Agenda to Reduce Illegal Drug Traffic for Countering Terrorism at Sea
Chapter 8: Automated Port Operations: The Future of Port Governance
Chapter 9: Canadas Rapidly Evolving Smart Ports
Chapter 10: Concession Based Project Finance for Smart Ports with a Special Focus on Emerging Economies
Chapter 11: Smart Port State Enforcement through UAVs: New horizons for the Prevention of Ship Source Marine Pollution
Chapter 12: Digitalization and Cyber Physical Security Aspects in Maritime Transportation and Port Infrastructure
Chapter 13: Port Cybersecurity: Balancing Evolving Regulatory Compliance with Enterprise Risk Management
Chapter 14: Opportunities and Challenges in relation to Big Data Analytics for the Shipping and Port Industries
Part IV: Remote Inspection Techniques
Chapter 15: Remote Inspections Scheme on Tanker Vessels during Covid-19 Pandemic
Chapter 16: Techno-regulatory Challenges for Remote Inspection Techniques (RIT): The Role of Classification Societies
Chapter 17: Remote Inspection Schemes: Past, Present & Future.-Chapter 18: Human-Autonomy Teaming in Ship Inspection: Psychological Perspectives on the Collaboration Between Humans and Self-Governing Systems
Chapter 19: Lessons Learned from Maritime Nations Leading Autonomous Operations & Remote Inspection Techniques
Chapter 20: Towards an International Guideline for RIT End-users: Spearing Through Vessel Inspection and Hull Cleaning Techno-regulatory Elements
Part V: Tying the Threads
Chapter 21 Smart Ports and Robotic Systems: Where is it all going from here? .

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