

The therapeutic revolution: medicine, meaning, and social change in nineteenth-century America
Medical text and social context: explaining William Buchan's Domestic medicine
John Gunn: everyman's physician
Body and mind in nineteenth-century medicine: some clinical origins of the neurosis construct
Florence Nightingale on contagion: the hospital as moral universe
Cholera in nineteenth-century Europe: a tool for social and economic analysis
The practice of medicine in New York a century ago
Social class and medical care in nineteenth-century America: the rise and fall of the dispensary
From almshouse to hospital: the shaping of Philadelphia General Hospital
Making it in urban medicine: a career in the age of scientific medicine
The crisis in psychiatric legitimacy: reflections on psychiatry, medicine, and public policy
Disease and social order in America: perceptions and expectations.

(cont) What is an epidemic? AIDS in historical perspective
Explaining epidemics
Framing disease: illness, society, and history
Looking backward, thinking forward: the roots of hospital crisis.

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