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Unifying Gathering Strategies for Swarms of Mobile Robots
The Complexity of Secure RAMs
Selected Combinatorial Problems Through the Prism of Random Intersection Graphs Models
The power of the Binary Value Principle
Independent Set under a Change Constraint from an Initial Solution
Asynchronous Fully-Decentralized SGD in the Cluster-Based Model
Non-Crossing Shortest Paths Lengths in Planar Graphs in Linear Time
How Vulnerable is an Undirected Planar Graph with respect to Max Flow
Maximum Flows in Parametric Graph Templates
Dynamic Coloring on Restricted Graph Classes
Enumeration of Minimal Tropical Connected Sets
Dynamic Flows with Time-Dependent Capacities
On One-Sided Testing Affine Subspaces
Stable Scheduling in Transactional Memory
Parameterizing Path Partitions
Maintaining Triconnected Components under Node Expansion
Approximating Power Node-Deletion Problems
Phase transition in count approximation by Count-Min sketch with conservative updates
Minimum-link $C$-Oriented Paths Visiting a Sequence of Regions in the Plane
Grouped Domination Parameterized by Vertex Cover, Twin Cover, and Beyond
Broadcasting in Split Graphs
Partitioning Subclasses of Chordal Graphs with Few Deletions
Complete Decomposition of Symmetric Tensors in Linear Time and Polylogarithmic Precision
Improved Deterministic Leader Election in Diameter-Two Networks
Fast Cauchy Sum Algorithms for Polynomial Zeros and Matrix Eigenvalues
On the Parameterized Complexity of the Structure of Lineal Topologies (Depth-First Spanning Trees) of Finite Graphs: The Number of Leaves
Efficiently Enumerating All Spanning Trees of a Plane 3-Tree
Communication-Efficient Distributed Graph Clustering and Sparsification under Duplication Models.

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