

Saints' stories : the literary quality of Anglo-Norman martyr hagiography / William Calin
The framing of Rabelais' Gargantua / Raymond C. La Charité
Paradox in Marot, Lemaire, and Ronsard / George Joseph
Fluctuat nec mergitur : thoughts on polymodality in La Fontaine's Fables 11 / David L. Rubin
De l'Allemagne and the creation of a French Germany / Suzanne Nash
Nervalian mist and Baudelairean fog : an essay in textual atmospherics / Ross Chambers
Parrot and parody : Flaubert / Stirling Haig
Baudelaire and the vicissitudes of Venus : ethical irony in Fleurs du mal / Edward K. Kaplan
Malraux's great exhibition : artwriting as cultural performance / Rima Drell Reck
The archi-texture of Proust's A la recherche du temps perdu / Virginia A. La Charité.

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