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Contents - Part II
Contents - Part I
I 9th Workshop on Language-Based Parallel Programming (WLPP 2022)
Kokkos-Based Implementation of MPCD on Heterogeneous Nodes
1 Introduction
2 Multi-Particle Collision Dynamics
3 Implementation with Cabana
3.1 Collection of Particles in Cells
3.2 Communication of Required Information
3.3 Rotation of Velocities
4 Benchmarks and Discussion
5 Conclusion and Outlook
Comparison of Load Balancing Schemes for Asynchronous Many-Task Runtimes
1 Introduction
2 Background

2.1 Lifeline Scheme
2.2 Hybrid Scheme
2.3 Nested Fork-Join and Dynamic Independent Tasks
3 Design and Implementation of Lifeline-Pure Scheme
4 Experimental Evaluation
5 Related Work
6 Conclusions
New Insights on the Revised Definition of the Performance Portability Metric
1 Introduction

2 Definition of the 10ptPps: currentpoint currentpoint translate scale neg exch neg exch translatetops: currentpoint currentpoint translate 1 div 1 div scale neg exch neg exch translate11to-1P and 10ptps: currentpoint currentpoint translate scale neg exch neg exch translatetops: currentpoint currentpoint translate 1 div 1 div scale neg exch neg exch translate11to-1 Metrics
3 Proportionality
4 Smith's Article
5 The Principles
6 Lossy Metrics
7 Properties of a Good Metric
8 Conclusions
Inferential Statistical Analysis of Performance Portability

1 Introduction
2 OpenACC Performance Portability
3 OpenACC's Observation Statistics
4 Hypothesis Testing
4.1 One-sample Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test
4.2 Nonparametric Bootstrap
5 OpenMP, Kokkos, and Raja
6 Conclusions
NPDP Benchmark Suite for Loop Tiling Effectiveness Evaluation
1 Introduction
2 NPDP Kernels
3 Related Work
4 Experimental Study
5 Conclusion
Parallel Vectorized Implementations of Compensated Summation Algorithms
1 Introduction
2 Compensated Summation Algorithms

3 Implementation of Parallel Vectorized Algorithms
4 Results of Experiments
5 Conclusions and Future Work
6th Workshop on Models, Algorithms and Methodologies for Hybrid Parallelism in New HPC Systems (MAMHYP 2022)
Malleability Techniques for HPC Systems
1 Introduction
2 ADMIRE Project
3 FlexMPI
4 A Malleability Use Case: WaComM++
5 Conclusions
Algorithm and Software Overhead: A Theoretical Approach to Performance Portability
1 Introduction
2 The Performance Evaluation Framework
2.1 Decomposition of a Problem
2.2 Algorithm

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