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An Introduction to Policy, Identity, and Neurotechnology: The Neuroethics of Brain-Computer Interfaces
1 Overview of Part One: The Past, Present, and Future of BCI Technology
2 Overview of Part Two: Ethical and Philosophical Issues
3 Overview of Part Three: Legal and Policy Implications
4 Conclusion
Part I: The Past, Present, and Future of BCI Technology
Posthuman Subjectivity in BCI-VR Entanglement
1 Introduction
2 History of Brain-Computer Interfaces
3 Virtual Reality
4 The Convergence of BCI and VR in Therapy & Gaming

4.1 Therapy
4.2 Gaming
5 The Emergence of the Posthuman
6 Posthuman Subjectivity in the Human-Technology Entanglement
7 Conclusion
"The Trauma of Losing Your Own Identity Again": The Ethics of Explantation of Brain-Computer Interfaces
1 Introduction
2 Explantations and Why They Are Done
3 "You Are Experiencing That Trauma of Losing Your Own Identity Again": The Testimony of An Expected Explantee
4 Implantation, Explantation, and PIAAAS Change
5 Recommendations
6 Conclusion

Ethical Considerations of Endovascular Brain-Computer Interfaces
1 Introduction
2 Safety of Endovascular BCIs
3 Efficacy of Endovascular BCIs
3.1 Comparisons with Other Sensor Types
3.2 Longitudinal Assessments
3.3 Endovascular Neurostimulation
4 Endovascular BCI Permanency
4.1 Nonmaleficence
4.2 Beneficence
4.3 Justice
4.4 Autonomy
5 Informed Consent for Endovascular BCIs
6 Ethical Considerations of Industry Funded Endovascular BCI Research
7 Conclusion
Future Developments in Brain/Neural-Computer Interface Technology

1 Introduction
2 Modes of Operation and Applications of Brain/Neural-Computer Interfaces
3 Next-Generation Brain/Neural-Computer and Machine Interfaces
4 Merging Brain/Neural-Computer Interfaces with Artificial Intelligence
5 Neuroethical Perspective
6 Summary and Conclusions
A Path to Science Fiction Style Technology Applications? The Example of Brain-to-Brain Interfaces
1 Introduction
2 Brain-to-Brain Interfaces: State of the Art
3 Factors Driving BBI Technology Development
3.1 Potential Future Markets
3.2 Science Fiction Scenarios

3.3 Enhancement and Transhumanism
3.4 Social Network Analogy
4 Shaping the Development
5 Conclusion
Part II: Ethical and Philosophical Issues
A Scoping Review of the Academic Literature on BCI Ethics
1 Introduction
2 Ethical Concerns with BCIs
3 Prior Research into BCI Ethics
4 Recent Trends in BCI Ethics
5 Materials and Methods
6 Results
7 Discussion
8 Conclusion
Having the Ability to Have a Good Life: What Might Be the Impact of BCIs?
1 Introduction
2 The Ability to Have a Good Life

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