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Algorithm for Solving the Problem of Multi-Criteria Optimization of Poorly Formed Processes based on the Construction of a Fuzzy Logic Model
PACTDet - An Artificially Intelligent Approach to Detect Pulmonary Illnesses: Pneumonia, Asthma, COVID-19, and Tuberculosis
Detection of Video Image Modification using a Classifier based on Adaptive Resonance Theory
On the Reduction of Alternatives in the Process of Selecting Preferred Management Decisions
Performance Analysis of Machine Learning Algorithm on Cloud Platforms: AWS vs Azure vs GCP
Mathematical Modeling of the Translation Process and its Optimization by the Criterion of Quality Maximization
Optimization with Quantum Algorithm that is based on Grover’s Method
Evaluation of the Efficiency of Fault Tolerance Algorithms for Distributed Peer-to-Peer Worker Processes Connected through a Key-Value Store
Investigation of the Possibility of using Neural Networks to Predict the Concentration of Sodium in a Steam
Using Ensemble Machine Learning Methods for Regional Forecasting of Geocryological Manifestations (on the Example of the European North-East of Russia)
Deghosting Diffusion Model for Facial Attribute Editing via Differential Activations
Minimizing Defaultation in Lending Using Blockchain Based Loan Management Syste
System of Intelligent-Safe Distribution of Network Traffic Loads in Cluster Mesh-Formations of Thermal Technology Systems
Computer Research and Stabilization of Dynamic Models of Conveyor Systems.

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