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Joshua Hochschild INTRODUCTION
Guido Alt [TOPIC: 14th C logic]
Fabrizio Amerini
Jacob Archambault [TOPIC: the relation of semantics, hermeneutics, and metaphysics]
Lszl Bene Plotinus Account of Time in the Treatise On the Genera of Being VI.13
Istvn Bodnr
Gbor Borbly Aquinas: perversor philosophiae suae [on De unitate intellectus]
Laurent Cesalli
Daniel De Haan
Robert Dobie Truth and Person in Aquinass De Veritate
Petr Dvok [TOPIC: Klimas theory of predication in Aquinas]
Ariane Economos
Ed Feser Truth as a Transcendental
Giacomo Fornasieri Connotation vs. Denomination: Peter Auriol on Intentions & Intellectual Cognition
John Haldane
Peter Hartman [TOPIC: Buridans De Anima]
Peter King [TOPIC: Abelards account of existential inference]
Martin Klein [TOPIC: The semantics of metaphors and equivocal terms in Aquinas, Ockham and Burley]
Heinrik Lagerlund.-Daniel Moloney [TOPIC: Anselms semantics and the Proslogion proof; revisiting Klima's Anselms Proof]
Calvin Normore
Claude Panaccio The Grammar of Ockhams Mental Language
Giorgio Pini Coloring or Parodying? Some Remarks on Duns Scotuss Engagement with Anselms Proslogion Argument
Peter Sobol
Nevitt Turner Approaching Essences Logically: Some Puzzles in Aquinas
David Twetten Locke and Aquinas as Alternatives to Semantic Essentialism
Giovanni Ventimiglia Est and Non (est): Between Transcendentals and Syncategoremata in the 13th Century
Shane Wilkins Is Existence a First Order Property After All?
Adam Wood [TOPIC: Aquinas and Buridan on intentionality]
Jack Zupko [TOPIC: Buridan and skepticism
BIBLIOGRAPHY of Gyula Klimas Works.

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