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Chapter 1: Susan Liddy Putting Age in the Picture: Sexism and Ageism in the Screen Industries
Women and Screen Production
Chapter 2: Julia Erhart and Kath Dooley Double Trouble? Charting the experiences of Australian women picture editors over age fifty
Chapter 3: Maria Jansson and Louise Wallenberg I am mature and established. There is no success in that. On Gendered Ageism in the Swedish Film Industry
Chapter 4: Shelley Cobb and Linda Ruth Williams Caring, collaboration, confidence and constraint in the working lives of older women filmmakers in the UK
Chapter 5: Susan Liddy. Exploring gendered ageism in the Irish Screen Industries: The Problem that Cant Be Named?
Interrogating Absence
Chapter 6: Bernadette Luciano Nonnas on the Run: Ageing Women on the Move in Italian Cinema
Chapter 7: Asier Gil Vzquez Losing the Spotlight: Ageing actresses in the Spanish Film Industry.
Chapter 8: Elizabeth Prommer The Gender-Age-Gap on screens: Cinema, TV and Streaming Services
For the Record: Contribution and visibility
Chapter 9: Marta Miquel-Baldellou From Actor to Director, and Beyond Twilight: Ida Lupinos Metatextual Cinematic References to Aging and Gender
Chapter 10: Sarah Louise Smyth Nora, Julie, Julia: Legacies of Older Women in Nora Ephrons Julie & Julia (2009)
Chapter 11: Estella Tincknell A commitment to representing the unsayable and unseeable: Jane Campion, cinematic politics, and gendered ageing
Chapter 12: Deborah Jermyn and Nuala OSullivan And I just thought Im not having it. Im going to set up my own festival: Curating and celebrating older women in the Women Over Fifty Film Festival (WOFFF).

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