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Table of Contents
Introducing economics
Part one. Microeconomics. How markets work ; How consumers behave ; How firms behave ; How markets distribute incomes ; Markets for (almost) everything ; Why markets fail ; Government intervention in markets
Part two. Macroeconomics. Measuring the economy's size ; Money's role in the economy ; Macroeconomic objectives ; Achieving full employment and stable prices ; Achieving sustainable economic growth ; The economy and the rest of the world ; Globalization and regional trading blocs ; Taking it further.
Part one. Microeconomics. How markets work ; How consumers behave ; How firms behave ; How markets distribute incomes ; Markets for (almost) everything ; Why markets fail ; Government intervention in markets
Part two. Macroeconomics. Measuring the economy's size ; Money's role in the economy ; Macroeconomic objectives ; Achieving full employment and stable prices ; Achieving sustainable economic growth ; The economy and the rest of the world ; Globalization and regional trading blocs ; Taking it further.