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Army. Army basics ; The Revolutionary War ; West Point ; The U.S. Civil War ; World War I ; World War II ; The war in Korea ; Vietnam ; Desert Storm, Iraq, Mogadishu
Navy. Navy basics ; The Revolutionary War ; The Quasi-War ; Barbary War ; The Naval Academy ; The Civil War ; Turn of the twentieth century ; World War I ; World War II ; Vietnam ; Naval aircraft ; Submarines ; The future of the Navy
Marine Corps. Marine basics ; Establishment of the Marine Corps ; War of 1812 ; The Mexican-American, Civil, and Spanish-American Wars ; World War I ; World War II ; Korea ; Vietnam ; Lebanon ; Grenada ; Desert Shield and Desert Storm
Coast Guard. Coast Guard basics ; Origins of the Coast Guard ; World War I ; World War II and Korea ; The greatest rescue of all time ; Vietnam ; The Coast Guard in the twenty-first century
Air Force. Air Force basics ; Early history ; U.S. Army Air Corps and World War II ; The Air Force after World War II ; The Cold War ; The age of jet planes ; Korea ; Vietnam ; The Air Force after Vietnam ; Air Force One ; Drones and other modern aircraft
Space Force. Early space defenses ; Establishment of the Space Force ; NORAD
Special Operations Forces. Special Operations Forces basics ; The Rangers ; Marine Raiders ; Marine Force Recon ; Army Special Forces ; Delta Force ; Navy SEALs ; Night Stalkers
The future of the U.S. Military.

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