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Title Page
Chapter 1: What Does It Mean to Be a Director?
The Director as Both Manager and Leader
Know Yourself
Recognizing Your Personal Attributes
Identifying Your Leadership Traits
Practice Facilitative Leadership
Treat Teachers the Same Way You Expect Teachers to Treat Children
Give Yourself the Permission to Lead
Recognize What You Really Have Control Over
Chapter 2: Program Context and Culture
Reading and Understanding the Context of Your Program
Gather Information
Analyze the Information
Set Program Goals and Develop an Action Plan
Creating and Cultivating the Culture of Your Program
Strong Relationships
Meaningful and Effective Communication
A Welcoming Environment
Risk Taking, Reflection, and Growth
Chapter 3: Achieving and Maintaining Program Quality
Developing Policies and Procedures
Vision and Mission Statements
Organizational Chart
Safety Procedures
Identifying and Reporting Suspected Child Neglect and Abuse
Guidance and Discipline
Licensing Basics
Physical Space
Staff Education and Training Requirements
The Licensing Process
Quality Rating Improvement Systems
The Flow of the Year: A Director's Big-Picture To-Do List
Chapter 4: Budget and Finances
Basic Budgeting Concepts
Identifying Revenue and Expenses
Developing Financial Policies and Procedures
Selecting a Financial Management System
Tips and Strategies for Preparing an Effective Budget
Be Transparent and Assume Accountability
Allow for Autonomy
Be Strategic
Be Flexible
Help! What Do I Do When My Budget Isn't Working?
Step 1: Find Out What's Wrong
Step 2: Reduce Your Expenses
Step 3: Speed the Inflow of Revenue
Step 4: Explore New Income Sources.

Keys to Successful Fundraising
Chapter 5: Program Curriculum
How Do You Decide the Best Curriculum Approach or Model for Your Program?
Curriculum Approaches
Packaged Curricula
Play-Based Learning
Emergent Curriculum
Project-Based Learning
Integrating Best Practices and Early Learning Standards
Supporting Your Teachers in Implementing Curriculum
When the Curriculum in Your Program Is Not Working
How Do Teachers Document Their Implementation of the Curriculum?
Ongoing Maintenance of a High-Quality Curriculum
Chapter 6: Observation, Assessment, and Documentation
Observation and Assessment
Program Assessment
How Am I Doing? Evaluating the Director
Assessing What Children Are Learning
What Is Documentation?
Moving Toward a Culture of Documentation
Practical Tips for Facilitating Documentation
Chapter 7: Staffing
Staffing Models and Scheduling
Hiring Great Teachers
Consider the Qualifications and Qualities You Need and Want
Advertising for Applicants
Interviewing Candidates
Retaining Great Teachers
Communicating with Staff
Teacher Observation and Evaluation
Supervising Teachers
Staff Meetings
Supporting Your Staff's Professional Development
Goal Setting to Empower Teachers
Ideas for Effective Professional Development
Managing Confrontations, Conflicts, and Challenges with Staff Members
Staff Dismissals: Having to Let Someone Go
Chapter 8: Working with Families
The Family's Role in Children's Learning and Development
The Director's Role in the Home-School Partnership
The Teacher's Role in the Home-School Partnership
Funds of Knowledge Approach
Welcoming Families to Your Program
Communicating with Families About the Program
Communicating with Families About Individual Learners
Using Technology to Communicate with Families.

Family Engagement
Family Goals Sheet
Home Visits and Visits Outside of the Center
Family Meetings and Conferences
Building Community Through Family Events
Managing Confrontations, Conflicts, and Challenges with Families
Conflict Between Program Staff and Families
Conflict Between Family Members in the Context of the Program
Chapter 9: Center Enrollment
Marketing, Advertising, and Recruiting
Market Research
Be Clear About Your Program's Mission, Philosophy, and Services
Marketing Tools and Avenues
Application and Admissions Process
Application Materials
Family Interviews
Admissions and Selection
Notification of Acceptance and Intake Forms
Conclusion: Balancing Act-Managing Your Role as the Director
Principle 1: Manage Your Time … and Appreciate Its Returns
Principle 2: Learn to Let Go
Principle 3: Exercise "Rotated Neglect"
Principle 4: Make Time for Self-Care
Principle 5: Be a Lifelong Learner
Principle 6: Network
Principle 7: Be an Intentional Decision Maker
About the Authors.

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