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Title Page
Table of Augustine's Works
Nature and Purpose of Research
A Hopeful Return to Augustine
A Survey of Wisdom before Augustine
Wisdom in the Ancient World
Wisdom in Ancient Greek Philosophy
Wisdom in the Early Church
Secondary Work and the Shape of This Study
Chapter 1: The Development of Sapientia in Augustine, Part I: Birth to Bishop
Wisdom from Birth to Conversion
Ambrose and the Books of the Platonists
Wisdom in Cassiciacum
Wisdom's Priority
Wisdom as Christ
Wisdom and the Mind
Wisdom as the Measure of the Soul
Synthesis of Sapientia from Birth to Cassiciacum
Wisdom from 387 to 395
Free Will
Synthesis of Free Will
Remaining Works from 388 to 395
Augustine's Early Letters
Augustine's Early Sermons
On the Lord's Sermon on the Mount
Synthesis of Sapientia from 387 to 395
Chapter 2: The Development of Sapientia in Augustine, Part II: 396-430
The Complete Sapiential Cluster: 1 Corinthians 12:8 and Job 28:28
Wisdom from 396 to 430: Augustine's Letters, Sermons, and Mature Works
Augustine's Letters Post-396
Augustine's Sermons Post-396
Explanations of the Psalms
Sapientia in a Handbook on Faith, Hope, and Love, Christian Instruction, Tractates on the Gospel of John, and the City of God
A Handbook on Faith, Hope, and Love
Christian Instruction
Tractates on the Gospel of John
The City of God
Synthesis of Sapientia's Development in Augustine and Concluding Observations
Chapter 3: Sapientia in de Trinitate
F. Cayré's "Le Notion de Sagesse Chez Saint Augustin"
i. Wisdom in God
ii. Wisdom in Humankind
Evaluation of Cayré.

Three Sapiential Categories: A Bird's Eye View of Sapientia in de Trinitate
Wisdom in God
Wisdom Who Is Christ
Wisdom in Humankind
Sapientia in Books 6-7, 12-14, and 15: A Detailed Examination
Christ at the Center, Books 6-7
Scientia and Sapientia, Books 12-14
Summary of Books 12-14
The Finale, Book 15
Ontology, Structure, and Direction
Conclusion: Definition of Sapientia
Chapter 4: An Assessment of Sapientia and the Way Forward
Components of the Creation and Wisdom Intersection in Augustine
Christ: Creator and Wisdom
Created vs. Uncreated Wisdom
Creatures and Ethics
Measure, Number, and Weight
The Wisdom Literature
Creation and Wisdom in Contemporary Wisdom Scholarship
Fear of the Lord
Law and Order
Assessment and Synthesis
Augustine's Contribution to Sapientia
Contemporary Wisdom Scholarship's Contribution to Sapientia
Summary of Findings and Conclusion
Suggestions for Further Research
Primary Sources for Augustine of Hippo
Secondary Sources
General Index
Scripture Index
Old Testament
New Testament.

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