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List of illustrations
Figure 3.1 Nonviolent and violent uprisings
Table 6.1 Strategies that improved nursing home compliance in certain observed contexts
Figure 6.1 Models of hierarchical accountability and a circular republican conception of accountability
Figure 9.1 A responsive pyramid of minimally suf cient deterrence
Figure 9.2 Theory of the effect of coercion on compliance as the net result of a capitulation effect and a de ant resistance effect
Figure 10.1 British Civil Aviation Authority responsive regulatory pyramid
Figure 10.2 British Civil Aviation Authority responsive 'Spectrum of Enforcement'
Figure 10.3 One possible responsive incapacitation pyramid
1. From trickles to rivers of crime and freedom
2. Reframing criminology
3. Macro-patterns of normative order
4. Opportunities for freedom and for domination
5. Tempering the inequality that empowers crimes of the powerful
6. Closing illegitimate opportunities by separating powers
7. Tempered and diverse forms of capital
8. Tempering power through networked governance
9. Minimally sufficient punishment
10. Why incapacitation trumps deterrence
11. Tempered cascades of crime
12. The art of struggle for free societies
Appendix I: Tributary propositions
rivers of meaning

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