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Title Page
Introduction / Daniel J. Ennis and E. Joe Johnson
1. Inchbald for Our Time / Misty G. Anderson
2. The Structure of Fable in Inchbald's Nature and Art / Martha F. Bowden
3. Narratives of Emerging Markets and Mercantilist Mappings in Defoe's London / Mita Choudhury
4. Thomas Jefferson's Sojourn in Nîmes: Revolutionary Politics and Architecture / Robert M. Craig
5. "Uncle to All the World": The Virtual Afterlives of Captain Tobias Shandy, 1831-1948 / W. B. Gerard
6. "My Business Ashore": Libertine Conduct and Maritime Context in The Rover / Randa Graves
7. Speaking through the Prophets: Anne Finch, Politics, and Religion / Claudia Thomas Kairoff
8. "That Unnatural Mixture": Nostalgia and Anxiety in Late Restoration Tragicomedy / Cynthia J. Lowenthal
9. Speculum Mundi: Caricature and the Stage / Heather McPherson
10. "Hazardous Purchasing Almost Anything": The Intriguing Relationship of the Wartons, Subscription Lists, and the Eighteenth-Century Book Trade / Hugh Reid
11. After the Great War: The Restoration and Eighteenth Century on the London Stage, 1919-1929 / John A. Vance
12. One of Thomas Bray's Apostles of Literacy: Thomas Bacon / Calhoun Winton
13. The World of The World / Annibel Jenkins
Afterword: Dr. Jenkins and Mrs. Inchbald / Paula R. Backscheider
Her Worded World: A Tribute to Annibel Jenkins / Don Russ
Notes on Contributors

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