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Front Cover
About the Contributors
Overview: Market Access Strategy in a New Trade Environment
Ingredients for Sub-Saharan Africa's Market Access Strategy
How Can Sub-Saharan African Countries Boost Exports through Preferential Access to the EU and US Markets?
How Can Sub-Saharan African Countries Diversify Their Market Access?
How Could Regional Integration Initiatives Help This Dual Strategy to Succeed?
Contributions of This Volume
PART I Access to Traditional Markets: Taking Stock of Nonreciprocal Trade Agreements and the Way Forward
Chapter 1 Trade Impact of the AGOA: An Aggregate Perspective
The African Growth and Opportunity Act
Trade Flows from Sub-Saharan Africa to the United States
Impact of the AGOA: Results from the Synthetic Control Method
Main Drivers of Exports under the AGOA
Annex 1A The Synthetic Control Method
Chapter 2 Preferential Access to the United States and Manufacturing Export Performance: A Product-Level Analysis
A Product-Level Perspective from Disaggregated Export Data
US Trade Preferences: The GSP and AGOA
African Export Performance and the Role of the AGOA
Estimated Impacts of the AGOA and GSP LDC
Annex 2A WITS Sectoral Definition, Sub-Saharan Africa Data, and Commodity Prices
Annex 2B Impacts of the AGOA on Exports and Export Patterns
Annex 2C AGOA Impacts, by Country
Chapter 3 Comparative Analysis of AGOA and EBA Impacts: Evidence from West Africa
Estimations of the Trade Impacts of the AGOA and EBA
ECOWAS Exports to the European Union and the United States since 2000
Empirical Specifications and Data.

Estimation Results
Differentiated Impacts of the AGOA and EBA on ECOWAS Countries
Policy Implications
PART II New Market Frontiers: Focus on East Asia
Chapter 4 Unlocking East Asian Markets to Sub-Saharan Africa
Trends in Sub-Saharan Africa's Trade Relationships since the Late 1990s
Strengthening Sub-Saharan Africa's Market Position: A Demand-Side Analysis
Potential "Niche" Markets for Sub-Saharan Africa's Export Diversification
Fostering Trade Relations through Agreements
Does the Export Market Matter? A Literature Review
Empirical Strategy, Data, and Preliminary Analysis
Annex 4A Sample Firms
Chapter 5 Assessing the Global Value Chain Links between Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa
Key Trade Patterns and GVC Links between Sub-Saharan Africa and Asia
Econometric Assessment of Sub-Saharan African Participation in Asian GVCs
Conclusion and Policy Implications
Annex 5A Supplementary Tables
PART III Looking Inward: Deepening Regional Integration and Value Chains
Chapter 6 The Promise and Challenge of the African Continental Free Trade Area
Revisiting the Theory of Regional Integration in Light of the AfCFTA
Key Trends in Regional Trade and Integration in Africa
Intra-Africa Trade within Regional Economic Communities
Composition of Trade in Africa
The Promise of the AfCFTA: Evaluation of Its Impact on Economic Outcomes
The Challenges Facing the AfCFTA
Policy Implications
Annex 6A Logistics Performance and Gravity Model Results
Chapter 7 Nontariff Measures and Services Trade Restrictions in Global Value Chains
What Is Africa's Experience in Global Value Chains?.

Are Nontariff Measures Limiting the GVC Participation of Firms in Sub-Saharan Africa?
Are Restrictive Services Sectors Limiting Sub-Saharan African Firms' GVC Participation?
What Will It Take for Africa to Create Regional Value Chains?
Some Regional Policy Options to Complement the AfCFTA
Box 4.1 Exporting Fish to the European Union
Box 4.2 Growing Food Import Trends in Asia
Box 4.3 The China-Africa Cotton Industry
Box 7.1 Diversifying Production through Regional Cooperation
Figure O.1 Changes in Regional and Global Trade Trends, Relative to 2005, in Sub-Saharan Africa
Figure O.2 Trends in Sub-Saharan Africa's Exports of Goods to Regional Markets, 2005-17
Figure O.3 Trends in Sub-Saharan Africa's Trade in Goods, by Type and by Trade Partner Region, 2005-18
Figure O.4 Spaghetti Bowl of African Regional and Subregional Economic Communities, 2010
Figure O.5 GVC Participation of Sub-Saharan African Countries, as Measured by Their Shares of Total Exports from Foreign and Domestic Value Added, 2015
Figure 1.1 Sub-Saharan Africa's Exports to the United States, by Type, 2000-17
Figure 1.2 Average Annual Exports from AGOA-Eligible Countries to the United States, before and after the AGOA
Figure 1.3 Export Trends and Synthetic Controls Applied to AGOA-Eligible Sub-Saharan African Countries, 1993-2015
Figure 1.4 Trajectories of Nonfuel Exports from Leading East African Countries to the United States, by Product Category, 2000-15
Figure 1.5 Share of Foreign Value Added in Total Textile Exports from Selected Sub-Saharan African Countries to the United States, 1998-2015
Figure 2.1 US Average Tariffs on Products from Sub-Saharan Africa, before and after the AGOA
Figure 2.2 Relative Preference Margins in Apparel Exports to the US from Selected Countries, 1997-2017.

Figure 2.3 Sub-Saharan Africa's Share of World Exports, Total and Selected Sectors, 1997-2017
Figure 2.4 Share of Manufacturing in Total Exports, in Sub-Saharan Africa and by Country, circa 2000s-2010s
Figure 2.5 Destinations of Sub-Saharan Africa's Exports
Figure 2.6 Destinations of Sub-Saharan Africa's Manufacturing Exports
Figure 2.7 Destinations of Sub-Saharan Africa's Apparel Exports
Figure 2.8 Growth of Sub-Saharan Africa's Exports to the United States, circa 2000s-2010s
Figure 2.9 Four Stories of Apparel Exports from Selected Sub-Saharan African Countries, before and after the AGOA, 1997-2017
Figure 2.10 Average Impacts of the AGOA and GSP LDC on Sub-Saharan African Exports to the United States
Figure 2.11 Impacts of the AGOA and GSP on Exports of Eligible Products from Sub-Saharan African Countries, circa 2001-17
Figure 2.12 Impacts of the AGOA on Apparel Exports from Sub-Saharan Africa, by Subregion, 2001-17
Figure 2A.1 Total Exports of Sub-Saharan African Countries and Commodity Price Indexes, 1996-2016
Figure 2B.1 US Average Agricultural and Mining Tariffs on Sub-Saharan African Exports, by Preference Type, before and after the AGOA
Figure 2B.2 AGOA Preference Utilization by Sub-Saharan African Countries, 2001-17
Figure 2B.3 Sub-Saharan African Countries Exhibiting a "Missed Opportunities" Pattern, 1997-2017
Figure 2B.4 Sub-Saharan African Countries Exhibiting a "Boom-Bust" Pattern, 1997-2017
Figure 2B.5 Sub-Saharan African Countries Exhibiting a "Growth and Stagnation" Pattern, 1995-2016
Figure 2B.6 Sub-Saharan African Countries Exhibiting a "Late and Sustained Growth" Pattern, 1995-2016
Figure 2C.1 Baseline Impacts of the AGOA on Apparel Exports from Sub-Saharan Africa, by Country.

Figure 3.1 Change in Sub-Saharan African Exports to the European Union and the United States, by "Growth Performer" Group, 2009-13
Figure 3.2 ECOWAS Exports to the European Union and the United States, 2000-15
Figure 3.3 EU and US Imports from ECOWAS Countries, by Sector, 2000-15
Figure 3.4 Differentiated Impacts of the AGOA and EBA on ECOWAS Countries, 2001-15
Figure 4.1 Trends in Sub-Saharan Africa's Exports, by Destination, 1997-2017
Figure 4.2 Decomposition of Sub-Saharan Africa's Export and Import Shares, by Primary Partner Region, 1997-2016
Figure 4.3 Sub-Saharan Africa's Products Traded with All Countries, by Stage of Processing, 1997 and 2016
Figure 4.4 Five Asian Countries' Major Imports from Sub-Saharan Africa, 2017
Figure 4.5 Size of the Global Middle Class, by Region, 2015-30
Figure 4.6 Share of Global Middle-Class Consumption, by Region, 2015-30
Figure 4.7 Trends in Consumer Spending Habits, by Income Level
Figure 4.8 Share of Household Income Spent on Food, by Type and Household Income Level, 2010
Figure B4.2.1 Sources of China's Fruit Imports, 2017
Figure 4.9 Per Capita Consumption of Selected Foods in China, 2013-17
Figure B4.3.1 Sub-Saharan African Countries' Exports of Raw Cotton, 2017
Figure 4.10 China's Hardwood Imports, by Risk Level and Source Country, 2006-16
Figure 4.11 Tourism toward 2030: Actual Trend and Forecast, 1950-2030
Figure 4.12 Distribution of Foreign-Owned Manufacturing Firms in Sub-Saharan Africa, by Origin, 2010
Figure 4.13 Shares of Imports from and Exports to Investors' Regions or Countries of Origin, among Foreign-Owned Sub-Saharan African Firms, 2010
Figure 5.1 Sectoral Composition of Sub-Saharan Africa's Exports to Asia, 2005 and 2015
Figure 5.2 Sectoral Composition of Ethiopia's Exports to Asia, 2005 and 2015.

Figure 5.3 Sectoral Composition of Ghana's Exports to Asia, 2005 and 2015.

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