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Neuroscience for Dentistry
Title Page
Part A Basic Neuroscience
Unit I Central Nervous System
1 Organization of the Nervous System
1.1 Overview of the Nervous System
1.2 The Central Nervous System
1.3 The Peripheral Nervous System
2 Development of the Nervous System
2.1 Overview of Nervous System Development
2.1.1 Introduction
2.1.2 Neural Tube Development
2.2 Spinal Cord Differentiation
2.2.1 Gray Matter: Alar and Basal Plate Development
2.2.2 White Matter
2.2.3 Segmental Nerve Distribution: Myotomes and Dermatomes
2.2.4 Positional Changes in Spinal Cord
2.3 Brain Differentiation
2.3.1 Brainstem Differentiation
2.3.2 Forebrain and Cerebellar Differentiation
2.4 Development and Derivatives of the Rhombencephalon
2.4.1 Myelencephalon: Medulla Oblongata
2.4.2 Metencephalon: Pons and Cerebellum
2.4.3 Development and Derivatives of the Mesencephalon (Midbrain)
2.4.4 Development and Derivatives of Prosencephalon (Forebrain)
3 Neurohistology
3.1 Classification of Cells of the Nervous System
3.1.1 Introduction
3.2 Neurons
3.2.1 Structural Components of Neurons
3.2.2 Myelination of Axon
3.2.3 Axonal Transport
3.2.4 Neuronal Communication: Synapses
3.2.5 Organization of Neurons in the CNS and PNS
3.2.6 Central Nervous System
3.2.7 Peripheral Nervous System
3.2.8 Classification of Nerve Fibers
3.3 Classification of Neurons in the Nervous System
3.3.1 Morphological Neuronal Classification
3.3.2 Functional Neuronal Classification
3.4 Neuroglial Cells
3.4.1 General Characteristics of Neuroglial Cells
3.4.2 Neuroglial Cells in the Central Nervous System
3.4.3 Neuroglial Cells in the Peripheral Nervous System
3.5 Histological Appearance of CNS.

3.5.1 Spinal Cord Histology
3.5.2 Brainstem Histology
3.5.3 Cerebellum Histology
3.5.4 Cerebrum Histology
4 Neurophysiology
4.1 Neurophysiology Overview
4.2 Cell Membrane
4.3 Action Potentials
4.4 Synapses
4.5 Neurotransmitters and Receptors
4.6 Clinical Correlations
Unit II Gross Anatomy of Brain and Spinal Cord
5 Gross Topography of the Brain
5.1 Overview
5.2 Neuroanatomical Terms
5.3 Telencephalon
5.4 Diencephalon
5.5 Mesencephalon
5.6 Metencephalon
5.7 Myelencephalon
5.8 Medial Surface of the Cerebral Hemispheres
5.9 Inferior Aspect of the Cerebral Hemispheres
6 Blood Supply of the Brain
6.1 Overview of the Blood Supply to the Brain
6.2 Anterior Circulation of the Brain
6.2.1 The Anterior Cerebral Artery (ACA)
6.2.2 The Middle Cerebral Artery (MCA)
6.3 Posterior Circulation of the Brain
6.4 Circle of Willis
6.5 Blood-Brain Barrier
6.6 Venous Drainage in the Brain
7 Ventricles and Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF)
7.1 Overview of the Ventricles and CSF
7.2 Ventricles
7.3 Flow of CSF through the Ventricular System
7.4 Choroid Plexus and CSF
7.4.1 Choroid Plexus
7.4.2 Cerebral Spinal Fluid
8 The Meninges
8.1 Overview of the Meninges
8.2 Meningeal Layers
8.3 Function of the Meninges
8.4 Dural Septa
8.5 Dural Sinuses
8.6 Blood Supply to the Meninges
8.7 Innervation of the Meninges
9 Cranial Nerves
9.1 Overview of Cranial Nerves
9.2 Functional Modalities of Cranial Nerves
9.2.1 Classification of Functional Fiber Types
9.2.2 Cranial Nuclei
9.2.3 General Overview of Motor and Sensory Pathways
9.2.4 Cranial Nerve Sensory Pathways: Ganglia and Nuclei
9.2.5 Cranial Motor Pathways: Nuclei and Ganglia
9.3 Summary of Cranial Nerves
9.4 Summary of Cranial Nerve Testing
10 Gross Anatomy of the Spinal Cord.

10.1 Overview of the Spinal Cord
10.2 Organization of the Spinal Cord
10.2.1 Development of the Spinal Cord
10.2.2 Segmental Organization of the Spinal Cord
10.3 Gross Anatomy of the Spinal Cord
10.4 Internal Anatomy of the Spinal Cord
10.4.1 Gray Matter
10.4.2 White Matter
10.5 Meninges
10.6 Blood Supply to the Spinal Cord
Unit III Sensory Systems
11 Anatomical Receptors and Nerve Fibers
11.1 Overview of Anatomical Receptors
11.1.1 General Properties of Somatosensory Receptors
11.2 Sensory Reception and Transduction
11.2.1 Adequate Stimulus
11.2.2 Receptive Fields
11.2.3 Sensory Adaptation
11.3 Stimulus (Sensory) Modalities
11.4 Somatosensory Receptor Classification
11.4.1 Functional Classification
11.4.2 Structural Receptor Classification
11.4.3 Receptor Classification Based on Anatomical Location
11.4.4 Types of Exteroceptors: Cutaneous Tactile Mechanoreceptors
11.4.5 Types of Proprioceptive Receptors
11.4.6 Muscle Proprioceptors
11.4.7 Tendon Proprioceptive Receptors
11.4.8 Joint Proprioceptive Receptors
11.4.9 Visceral Receptors
11.5 Cutaneous Receptors of the Oral Mucosa
12 Somatosensory Systems Part I-Somatosensory Pathways of Body
12.1 Overview of Ascending Somatosensory System
12.1.1 Function of the Somatosensory System
12.2 Transmission of Conscious and Unconscious Sensations
12.2.1 Common Features of the Conscious Somatosensory Pathways
12.3 Anterolateral System
12.3.1 Functional Overview of the Anterolateral System
12.3.2 Direct Path of Anterolateral Pathway
12.3.3 Indirect Pathways of the Anterolateral System
12.4 Dorsal Column-Medial Lemniscus (DCML) Pathway
12.4.1 Functional Overview of DCML
12.4.2 DCML Pathway
12.5 Spinocerebellar System
13 Somatosensory Systems Part II-Somatosensory Pathways of Head.

13.1 Overview of Somatosensory Innervation of the Head
13.1.1 General Organization of the Trigeminal System
13.1.2 Trigeminal Nerve Distribution
13.1.3 Trigeminal Ganglia
13.2 Trigeminal Nuclear Complex
13.2.1 Components of Trigeminal Sensory Nuclear Complex
13.3 Trigeminal Somatosensory Pathways
13.3.1 Central Ascending Pathways: Protopathic Sensations of the Face
13.3.2 Central Ascending Pathways: Epicritic Sensations for the Face
13.3.3 Central Ascending Pathways: Unconscious Proprioception from the Orofacial Region
13.4 Sensory Contributions from Facial, Glossopharyngeal, and Vagus Nerves
13.4.1 GSA Input from Facial, Glossopharyngeal, and Vagus Cranial Nerves
13.4.2 Reflexes Associated with CNs V, VII, IX, and X
13.4.3 Viscerosensory (GVA) Input from Cranial Nerves VII, IX, and X
14 Pain
14.1 Overview of Pain
14.2 Classification of Pain
14.3 Pain Receptors and Afferents
14.4 Physiology of Pain
14.5 Mechanisms of Pain Modulation
14.5.1 Endogenous Opioids
14.5.2 Segmental Inhibition
14.6 Descending Pathways of Pain Modulation
14.6.1 Overview of Pain Modulation
14.6.2 Pathways
14.7 Acute versus Chronic Pain
14.8 Differences in Pain Perception
14.8.1 Central Sensitization and Neuroplasticity
15 Special Senses
15.1 Special Visceral Afferents (SVA)
15.1.1 CN I
15.1.2 CN VII
15.1.3 CN IX
15.1.4 CN X
15.2 Special Somatic Afferents (SSA)
15.2.1 CN II
15.2.2 CN VIII
Unit IV Motor Systems
16 Direct Activation Pathways
16.1 Overview of Direct Motor Pathways
16.2 Motor Neurons
16.3 Corticospinal Tract
16.4 Corticobulbar Tract
16.4.1 Lesions of the Corticobulbar Tract
16.5 Disorders of the Motor System
16.5.1 Upper Motor Neuron Syndrome
16.5.2 Lower Motor Neuron Syndrome
16.6 Spinal Reflexes.

17 Indirect Activation Pathways
17.1 Overview of Indirect Influences on Movement
17.2 Brainstem Nuclei and Tracts
17.2.1 Rubrospinal Tract
17.2.2 Reticulospinal Tract
17.2.3 Vestibulospinal Tract
17.2.4 Tectospinal Tract
17.3 Basal Ganglia
17.4 Cerebellum
18 Integrated Systems
18.1 Autonomic Nervous System (ANS)
18.1.1 Overview
18.1.2 Organization of the ANS
18.1.3 Sympathetic Division
18.1.4 Parasympathetic Division
18.1.5 Neurotransmitters of the ANS
18.1.6 Autonomic Plexi
18.2 Hypothalamus
18.2.1 Overview
18.2.2 Anatomy
18.2.3 Neural Connections
18.3 Limbic System
18.3.1 Overview
18.3.2 Anatomy
18.3.3 Function
18.4 Reticular Formation
18.4.1 Overview
18.4.2 Function
Part B Orofacial Neuroscience
Unit V Review of Orofacial Structures and Tissues
19 Development and Organization of Oropharyngeal Region
19.1 Overview of Oropharyngeal Development
19.1.1 Pharyngeal Arches
19.1.2 Development of Oral Cavity and Face
19.1.3 Palatal Development
19.1.4 Development of Pharynx
19.1.5 Tongue Development
19.1.6 Development of the Larynx
19.2 Overview of Oral Cavity and Oral Mucosa
19.2.1 Oral Cavity
19.2.2 Oral Mucosa
19.3 Structures of Oral Vestibule
19.3.1 Lips and Cheeks
19.3.2 Alveolar Mucosa and Gingiva
19.4 Structures of the Oral Cavity Proper
19.4.1 Roof of Oral Cavity Proper
19.4.2 Floor of the Oral Cavity Proper
19.4.3 Tongue
19.5 Structures of Pharyngeal Region
19.5.1 Nasopharynx
19.5.2 Oropharynx
19.5.3 Laryngopharynx
19.6 Structures of the Larynx
19.6.1 Cartilage and Muscles of the Larynx
19.6.2 Regions of the Larynx
19.6.3 Laryngeal Mucosa
19.6.4 Innervation to Larynx
20 Overview of Orofacial Pathways Part I-Trigeminal and Facial Nerves
20.1 Introduction.

20.2 Trigeminal Nerve: Overview of Functional Components.

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