Linked e-resources


Making culture / David Rowe, Graeme Turner and Emma Waterton
The literary field : the book trade and the arts ecology : transnationalism and digitization in the Australian literary field / David Carter and Michelle Kelly
The art field : beyond nation, beyond art? The "rules of art" in contemporary Australia / Tony Bennett
The Australian art field : fairs and markets / Deborah Stevenson
The music field : "the music nation" : popular music and Australian cultural policy / Shane Homan
The media field : television : commercialization, the decline of nationing, and the status of the media field / Graeme Turner
The heritage field : A history of heritage policy in Australia : from hope to philanthropy / Emma Waterton
The sport field : the sport field in Australia : the market, the state, the nation and the world beyond in Pierre Bourdieu's favourite game / David Rowe
The digital : "crossing the technical Rubicon" : marketizing culture and fields of the digital / Brett Hutchins
Tourism : touring nation : the changing meanings of cultural tourism / Chris Gibson
Indigeneity : indigeneity, cosmopolitanism and the nation : the project of NITV / Ben Dibley and Graeme Turner
Multiculturalism : making multiculture : Australia, culture and the ambivalent politics of diversity / Ien Ang and Greg Noble
Undoing the bonds of nation/rediscovering dead souls / Ien Ang and Greg Noble.

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