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Table of Contents
What is this funny little thing called curiosity?
Are we naturally curious?
This is your brain on curiosity
Quashing curiosity
Engineered boredom
Reengineering learning with curiosity in mind
When teams lose their curiosity
Inquire within
Creating curious organizations
Alone together
Going cold turkey
Falling in love with curiosity
The search for happiness
Curiously happy
A wonderful life
Epilogue: Standing at a curious crossroads.
Are we naturally curious?
This is your brain on curiosity
Quashing curiosity
Engineered boredom
Reengineering learning with curiosity in mind
When teams lose their curiosity
Inquire within
Creating curious organizations
Alone together
Going cold turkey
Falling in love with curiosity
The search for happiness
Curiously happy
A wonderful life
Epilogue: Standing at a curious crossroads.