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Praise for Persia in Early Modern English Drama, 1530-1699
1 Introduction: The Imagined Empire
Robert Brancetour: The First English Traveller to Safavid Persia
Early Modern English Theatre and the East: The Place of Persia and Plays of Persia
Tudor Plays of Persia
Plays of Persia in the Stuart Period and the Inter-Regnum
Restoration Plays of Persia
2 'In This Noble Region': Politics and Counsel in The Godly Queene Hester (Anonymous, c. 1530)
Godly Queene Hester
Hester: The Political Contexts

3 '[A]dvice Unto a Prince': Kingship and Counsel in Kyng Daryus (Anonymous, 1565) and Cambises (Thomas Preston, c. 1560)
Kyng Daryus
4 'A Crown Enchas'd with Pearl and Gold': Wealth and Absolute Rule in The Warres of Cyrus (Richard Farrant, 1576-1580) and Tamburlaine the Great Parts 1 and 2 (Christopher Marlowe, 1587-1588)
Introduction: Persian Gold
The Warres of Cyrus
Tamburlaine the Great Parts 1 and 2

5 'I Wish to Be None Other but as He': Friendship and Counsel in The Travailes of the Three English Brothers (1607) by John Day, William Rowley, and George Wilkins and Contemporary Closet Drama
Introduction: Perceptions of Persia at the Turn of the Century
Alexander, Daniel, and the Revival of Classical Persia
The Sherley Brothers and Persia in Early Modern English Travel Writing
The Travailes of the Three English Brothers (1607)
6 'Read[ing] Philosophy to a King': Ideals of Monarchy in William Cartwright's The Royall Slave (1636)

Introduction: The Sherleys and the Failure of a 'Diplomatic Fiction'
William Cartwright and The Royall Slave
Kingship in The Royall Slave
Conclusion: Detaching from Contemporary Persia
7 '[R]eally Acted in Persia': Counsel, Regicide and Restoration in John Denham, the Sophy (1642) and Robert Baron, Mirza (1655)
Introduction: Persia and the Divine Right of Kings
The Sophy
8 To 'Dispose of Crowns': Conversion, the Authority of Monarchy and the Issue of Succession: Elkanah Settle's Cambyses (1667)
Introduction: Cambyses' Dedication

Conversion and Identity
Authority in Cambyses
9 'The King, Who Loves the Persian Mode': Tyranny and Excess in Nathaniel Lee's The Rival Queens (1677)
Introduction: The Rival Queens
Alexander: Effeminacy and Excess
Alexander: Tyranny in Context
10 '[D]evour'd by Luxury': Gender, Governance and Absolute Kingship in John Crowne's Darius, King of Persia (1688) and Colley Cibber's Xerxes (1699)
Introduction: Crisis of Political Authority
John Crowne, Darius and Two Modes of Kingship
Darius and Persia

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