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1 Environmental Exposure of Emerging Pollutants in Urbanizing Regions
1.1 Overview
1.2 Spatiotemporal Distribution of Emerging Pollutants
1.2.1 Chlorinated POPs
1.2.2 Brominated POPs
1.2.3 Fluorinated POPs
1.3 Emission Hot Spot Areas Related to Industrialization
1.3.1 Daling River Basin in North Bohai, China
1.3.2 Xiaoqing River Basin in South Bohai China
1.3.3 Emission and Transport of HBCD from a Large Producer

1.4 Temporal Variation of PFAAs Emitted from Fluorochemical Industry
1.4.1 Annual Trend
1.4.2 Seasonal Trend
1.4.3 PFAAs Emissions Related to Construction and Production Activities
1.5 Executive Summary
2 Source Identification and Emission Estimation of Emerging Pollutants
2.1 Industrial Emission Estimation of PFOS
2.1.1 Identification of Industrial Sources
2.1.2 Estimation of Industrial Emission: Methodology
2.1.3 Summary of the Emissions of PFOS Equivalents
2.1.4 Contributions of Various Industrial Sources

2.1.5 Spatial Distribution on the Industrial Emission Sources
2.1.6 Uncertainty Analysis
2.2 Domestic Emission Estimation of PFOS
2.2.1 Theoretical Assumption
2.2.2 Study Area and Data Collection
2.2.3 Modeling the Domestic Emission
2.2.4 Prediction of Domestic Emission Density
2.2.5 Estimation of Domestic Emission
2.2.6 Uncertainty Analysis and Study Limitation
2.3 Comparison Between Industrial and Domestic Emission
2.4 Executive Summary
3 Environmental Pathways of Emerging Pollutants
3.1 Overview
3.2 Pollution Pathways of PFOS and PFOA

3.2.1 Identification of Sources and Pollution Pathways
3.2.2 Estimation Methods of Environmental Releases
3.2.3 Major Sources Screening and Release Comparison
3.2.4 Contribution Estimation of PFOS and PFOA in Different Pathway
3.2.5 Uncertainty Analysis and Study Limitation
3.3 Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) of PFOA/PFO
3.3.1 Framework of LCA
3.3.2 Acquisition of Data on Production and Use
3.3.3 Identification of Transfer Coefficients (TC) and Emission Factors (EF)
3.3.4 Flows in Production and Use
3.3.5 Flows in Waste Management
3.3.6 Storage in the Environment

3.3.7 Alternatives or Mitigation Technologies for PFOA/PFO
3.3.8 Uncertainty Analysis
3.4 Executive Summary
4 Multimedia Modeling of the Fate for Emerging Pollutants
4.1 Overview
4.2 Establishment of the BETR-Bohai Model
4.2.1 Segmentation of the Study Area
4.2.2 Model Structure
4.2.3 Model Parameterization
4.2.4 Sensitivity Analysis
4.2.5 Uncertainty Analysis
4.3 Using BETR-Bohai Model to Simulate the Spatial Fate of BaP
4.3.1 Model Parameterization for BaP
4.3.2 BaP Emission Estimation
4.3.3 Model Output and Validation

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