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About the Editors
Lessons Learned from Afghanistan: The Heavy Price of Treating Long-Term Strategic Issues with Short-Term Tactical Approaches
1 Introduction
2 Missed Opportunities: A Failure to Capitalize on Afghanistan's Vast Natural Resources
3 A Devastating Misstep: A Failure to Win Hearts and Minds
4 A "Strategic" Way Forward
A Problem We Fueled: Learning Lessons from Corruption in Afghanistan
1 Understanding Corruption and Why It Persists
1.1 Foreign Interventions

2 Corruption and Anticorruption in Afghanistan, 2001-21
2.1 On Afghan Society and Politics
2.2 Influx of Money Amid Weak Controls
2.3 Corruption and Violence
2.4 Elections: Missed opportunities for legitimacy and accountability
3 U.S. and Afghan Anticorruption Efforts
3.1 The Surge Years
3.2 Declining Attention and the Ghani Years
4 Afghan Perceptions
5 Conclusion and Lessons
How America's Great Power Competitors Privatized the GPC
1 Who is in Charge of the US DIME Elements?
1.1 Diplomacy
1.2 Information
1.3 Military
1.4 Economic

2 Russian and Chinese Use of DIME
3 Case Studies
3.1 The Wagner Group (Russia)
3.2 Frontier Services Group (China)
3.3 United Front Work Department (China)
4 Conclusion
5 Summary of the Problem and the Solution
Organizing US: Regime Theory for Integrated Statecraft
1 Introduction
2 Complexity Science and Interventions
2.1 "Stability" Through a Complexity Lens
2.2 The Topology of the System of Local Conditions
2.3 Evolutionary Governance, Development, and Legitimacy
3 Anarchy and Regime Theory for Statecraft
3.1 Reasons for the Condition

4 Why Regimes?
4.1 Why Integrated Statecraft Regimes for Strategic Competition?
5 Universities as Regimes for Wicked Problems
6 Conclusion
A Cyber Solarium Commission Approach to Cyber Security Cooperation
1 SC Explained
2 Using SC and SA Programs to Support Cyber Initiatives
3 Making Cyber Initiatives a Reality
4 Understanding the Risks
5 Conclusion
Putting the Afghan Puzzle Together: Afghan and U.S. Perspectives on Legitimacy
1 Theories of Legitimacy

2 Justice as a Case Study, and the Small but Important Missing Piece: Predictability
3 Bias in Building Legitimacy
4 The Afghan Perspective: The Puzzle Pieces
5 Implications for Legitimacy: How Those Puzzle Pieces Fit Together
6 America's Reference Image for the Puzzle and Perspective on Legitimacy
7 Implications for the American Conception of Legitimacy
8 Conclusion: Putting the Puzzle Together
The Taliban's Exploitation of Afghan Information and Information Systems
1 Introduction
2 Communications Technology: Opportunities for Collective Action

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