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An Efficient Residual Convolutional Neural Network with Attention Mechanism for Smoke Detection in Outdoor Environment
Expeditious Object Pose Estimation for Autonomous Robotic Grasping
SRTGAN: Triplet Loss based Generative Adversarial Network for Real-World Super Resolution
Machine Learning Based Webcasting Analytics for Indian Elections - Reflections on Deployment
Real-time Plant Species Recognition using Non-Averaged DenseNet-169 Deep Learning Paradigm
Self Similarity Matrix based CNN Filter Pruning
Class Agnostic, On-Device and Privacy Preserving Repetition Counting of Actions from Videos using Similarity Bottleneck
Class Agnostic, On-Device and Privacy Preserving Repetition Counting of Actions from Videos using Similarity Bottleneck
Vehicle ReID: Learning Robust Feature using Vision Transformer and Gradient Accumulation for Vehicle Re-identification
Attention Residual Capsule Network for Dermoscopy Image Classification
SAMNet : Semantic Aware Multimodal Network for Emoji Drawing Classification
Segmentation of Smoke Plumes Using Fast Local Laplacian Filtering
Rain Streak Removal via Spatio-channel based Spectral Graph CNN for Image Deraining
Integration of GAN and Adaptive Exposure Correction for Shadow Removal
Non-invasive Haemoglobin Estimation using Different Colour and Texture Features of Palm
Detection of Coal Quarry and Coal Dump Regions Using the Presence of Mine Water Bodies from Landsat 8 OLI/TIRS Images
Brain tumor grade detection using Transfer learning and Residual Multi-head Attention Network
A curated dataset for spinach species identification
Mobile Captured Glass Board Image Enhancement
Computing Digital Signature by Transforming 2D Image to 3D: A Geometric Perspective
Varietal Classification of Wheat Seeds using Hyperspectral Imaging Technique and Machine Learning Models
Deep Dilated Convolutional Network for Single Image Dehazing
T2CI-GAN: Text to Compressed Image generation using Generative Adversarial Network
Prediction of Fire Signatures Based on Fractional Order Optical Flow and Convolution Neural Network
Colonoscopy Polyp Classification Adding Generated Narrow Band Imaging
Multi-class Weather Classification using Single image via feature fusion and selection
Scene Text Detection with Gradient Auto Encoders
A Novel Scheme for Adversarial Training to Improve the Robustness of DNN Against White Box Attacks
Solving Diagrammatic Reasoning Problems Using Deep Learning
Bird Species Classification from images using Deep Learning
Statistical Analysis of Hair Detection and Removal Techniques using Dermoscopic Images
Traffic Sign Detection and Recognition using Dense Connections in YOLOv4
Novel Image and its Compressed Image Based on VVC Standard, Pair Data Set for Deep Learning Image and Video Compression Applications
FAV-Net: A Simple Single-Shot Self-Attention Based ForeArm-Vein Biometric
Low-Textural Image Registration: Comparative Analysis of Feature Descriptors
Structure-Based Learning for Robust Defense Against Adversarial Attacks in Autonomous Driving Agents
Improvising the CNN Feature maps through Integration of Channel Attention for Handwritten Text Recognition
XAIForCOVID-19: A comparative analysis of various explainable AI techniques for COVID-19 diagnosis using chest x-ray images
Features Assimilation via Three-Stream Deep Networks for Spam Attack Detection from Images
A Transformer based UNet Architecture for fast and Efficient Image Demoireing
Auxiliary CNN for graspability modeling with 3D point clouds and images for robotic grasping
Face Presentation Attack Detection Using Remote Photoplethysmography Transformer Model
MTFL: Multi-task federated learning for classification of healthcare X-ray images
Speech-based Automatic Prediction of Interview Traits
Pneumonia Detection Using Deep Learning Based Feature Extraction and Machine Learning
Classification of Synthetic Aperture Radar Images using a modified DenseNet model
Combining Non-Local Sparse and Residual Channel Attentions for Single Image Super-resolution Across Modalities
An End-to-End Fast No-Reference Video Quality Predictor with Spatiotemporal Feature Fusion
Low-Intensity Human Activity Recognition Framework using Audio Data in an Outdoor Environment
Detection of Narrow River Trails with the Presence of Highways from Landsat 8 OLI Images
Unsupervised Image to Image translation for multiple retinal pathology synthesis in optical coherence tomography scans
Combining Deep-learned and Hand-crafted Features for Segmentation, Classification and Counting of Colon Nuclei in H&E Stained Histology Images
An Ensemble Approach for Moving Vehicle Detection and Tracking by using Ni Vision Module
Leaf Spot Disease Severity Measurement in Terminalia Arjuna using Optimized Superpixels.

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