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Chapter 1: Introduction: Crime in the post-pandemic digital age
Chapter 2: Pandemics and illegal manipulation of digital technologies: Examining cause and effect in a time of COVID-19
Chapter 3: Pandemics and fraud: Learning from the coronavirus pandemic and its antecedents
Chapter 4: The human element of online consumer scams arising from the coronavirus pandemic
Chapter 5: State-sponsored economic espionage in cyberspace: Risks and preparedness during and after the pandemic
Chapter 6: Virtual kidnapping: Online scams with 'Asian characteristics' during the pandemic
Chapter 7: Lessons in a time of pestilence. The relevance of international cybercrime conventions to controlling post-pandemic cybercrime
Chapter 8: Domestic laws governing post-pandemic crime and criminal justice
Chapter 9: Perspectives on policing post-pandemic cybercrime
Chapter 10: Digital criminal courts: The place or space of (post-)pandemic justice
Chapter 11: Online messaging as a cybercrime prevention tool in the post-pandemic age
Chapter 12: Artificial intelligence, COVID-19, and crime: Charting the origins and expansion of dystopian and utopian narratives
Chapter 13: Conclusions: Minimising crime risks in pandemics of the future.

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