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Part I: Invited Papers
1. Modelling physical systems with cellular automata
2. On visualization of three-dimensional cellular automata and tilings with head-mounted display
3. Brownian Circuits: from Computation to Neural Networks
Part II: Accepted Papers
4. A Cellular Automata Based Clustering Technique for High-Dimensional Data
5. Cellular Automata based Sentiment Analysis
6. Cellular Automata with Large Cycle Generator
7. Design and Analysis of Regular Clock based 2:4 Decoder using T-Gate in QCA
8. Representation of Evolution of One-dimensional Homogeneous Cellular Automata Using Monoid Action
9. A Cellular Automata Based Approach on Assessment of Thickness of Stratified Mineral Deposits
10. On Non-linear Maximal Length Cellular Automata
11. Layered Cellular Automata and Pattern Classification
12. Analysis of One-Dimensional 4-State Cellular Automata Rules and DNA Evolutions
13. Modeling Spread of Contagious Disease by Temporally Stochastic Cellular Automata
14. Genealogy Interceded Phenotypic Analysis (GIPA) of ECA Rules
15. Isomorphism in Cellular Automata
16. A cellular automaton model for language shift in Algeria
17. Cellular Automata based Simulation of Intergranular Fracture using Hexagonal Discretization.

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