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About the Author
List of Figures
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1 Introduction
1.1 The Echo Chamber and Polarization Problem in Social Media
1.2 Contribution Summary
1.3 Book Organization
2 Conceptual Backgrounds
2.1 Echo Chamber and Polarization
2.2 Communication and Public Opinion in Social Media
2.3 Modeling Opinion Formation
2.4 Zaller Model of Public Opinion
2.5 Argument Against the Anti-vaccination Movements
3 Methodology
3.1 Agent-Based Modeling for Social Simulation
3.2 Policy Design Using Landscape Search

4 Simulating Echo Chamber and Polarization Problems in Social Media
4.1 Background
4.2 Model Summary
4.3 Measuring Echo Chamber and Polarization in SNS
4.4 Simulation Scenario and Parameters
4.4.1 Simulation Stages
4.4.2 Scenario Description
4.5 Results and Discussion
4.5.1 Role of News in Echo Chamber and Polarization Formation
4.5.2 Echo Chamber Analysis
Individual Echo Chamber Coefficient Evaluation
Global Echo Chamber Evaluation
Average Opinion Evaluation
Average Exposure Evaluation
Overall Discussion
4.5.3 Model Validation

4.6 Reversing Polarization
4.6.1 Model, Measurements, and Simulation
Public Opinion and Polarization Measurement
4.6.2 Simulation
4.6.3 Results and Discussion
5 Agent-Based Interpretation of the Zaller Model
5.1 Background
5.2 Agent-Based Interpretation of the Zaller Model
6 Application 1: Resolving the Conflicting Observation of Online Echo Chambers
6.1 Motivation
6.2 Model Overview
6.2.1 News and Media
6.2.2 User Agents and SNS
6.2.3 Agents' Dynamics
6.3 Simulation
6.4 Results and Discussion
6.4.1 Landscape Analysis
6.4.2 Model Validation

7 Application 2: Simulating the Influence of Facebook Pages on Individual Attitudes Toward Vaccination
7.1 Motivation
7.2 Model Overview
7.2.1 Basic Percolation Model
7.2.2 Baseline Model
7.3 Simulation
7.3.1 Simulation Overview and Settings
7.3.2 Simulating Policies
7.3.3 Parameter Measurement
7.4 Results and Discussion
7.4.1 Basic Percolation Results
7.4.2 Baseline Model Results
7.4.3 Scenario Analysis
7.4.4 Model Validation
8 Conclusions and Future Works
8.1 Conclusions
8.2 Future Works
8.3 Afterword
A Additional Information

A.1 Formal Definition of Modeling Echo Chamber and Polarization in Social Media
A.1.1 News
A.1.2 User Agent
A.1.3 User's State Transition Model
A.2 Formal Definition of Agent-Based Interpretation of the Zaller Model
A.2.1 Model Entities and Assumptions
A.2.2 Media Agent
A.2.3 User Agents
A.2.4 Process of News Consumption
A.2.5 Survey Process

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