Linked e-resources
Table of Contents
Invited Talks
From Process-Agnostic to Process-Aware Automation, Mining, and Prediction
Formal Modelling, Analysis, and Synthesis of Modular Industrial Systems inspired by Net Condition/Event Systems
Process Mining
There and Back Again: On the Reconstructability and Rediscoverabilty of Typed Jackson Nets
ILP² Miner – Process Discovery for Partially Ordered Event Logs using Integer Linear Programming
Modelling Data-Aware Stochastic Processes - Discovery and Conformance Checking
Exact and Approximated Log Alignments for Processes with Inter-case Dependencies
Taking Complete Finite Prefixes To High Level, Symbolically
Interval Traces with Mutex Relation
A Myhill-Nerode Theorem for Higher-Dimensional Automata
Tools. -Hippo-CPS: A Tool for Verification and Analysis of Petri Net-based Cyber-Physical Systems
Mochy : a tool for the modeling of concurrent hybrid systems.-Renew: Modularized Architecture and New Features
Explorative Process Discovery using Activity Projections.-Verification. -Computing Under-approximations of Multivalued Decision Diagram.-Stochastic Decision Petri Nets
Token Trail Semantics – Modeling Behavior of Petri Nets with Labeled Petri Nets
On the Reversibility of Circular Conservative Petri Nets
Automated Polyhedral Abstraction Proving. -Experimenting with Stubborn Sets on Petri Nets
Timed Models
Symbolic Analysis and Parameter Synthesis for Time Petri Nets Using Maude and SMT Solving. -A state class based controller synthesis approach for Time Petri Nets
Model Transformation
Transforming Dynamic Condition Response Graphs to safe Petri Nets
Enriching Heraklit Modules by Agent Interaction Diagrams.
From Process-Agnostic to Process-Aware Automation, Mining, and Prediction
Formal Modelling, Analysis, and Synthesis of Modular Industrial Systems inspired by Net Condition/Event Systems
Process Mining
There and Back Again: On the Reconstructability and Rediscoverabilty of Typed Jackson Nets
ILP² Miner – Process Discovery for Partially Ordered Event Logs using Integer Linear Programming
Modelling Data-Aware Stochastic Processes - Discovery and Conformance Checking
Exact and Approximated Log Alignments for Processes with Inter-case Dependencies
Taking Complete Finite Prefixes To High Level, Symbolically
Interval Traces with Mutex Relation
A Myhill-Nerode Theorem for Higher-Dimensional Automata
Tools. -Hippo-CPS: A Tool for Verification and Analysis of Petri Net-based Cyber-Physical Systems
Mochy : a tool for the modeling of concurrent hybrid systems.-Renew: Modularized Architecture and New Features
Explorative Process Discovery using Activity Projections.-Verification. -Computing Under-approximations of Multivalued Decision Diagram.-Stochastic Decision Petri Nets
Token Trail Semantics – Modeling Behavior of Petri Nets with Labeled Petri Nets
On the Reversibility of Circular Conservative Petri Nets
Automated Polyhedral Abstraction Proving. -Experimenting with Stubborn Sets on Petri Nets
Timed Models
Symbolic Analysis and Parameter Synthesis for Time Petri Nets Using Maude and SMT Solving. -A state class based controller synthesis approach for Time Petri Nets
Model Transformation
Transforming Dynamic Condition Response Graphs to safe Petri Nets
Enriching Heraklit Modules by Agent Interaction Diagrams.