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Editors and Contributors
Vegetation Fires and Biomass Burning in South/Southeast Asia-An Overview
1 Introduction
2 Mapping, Monitoring, and Modeling of Vegetation Fires
3 GHG Emissions and Air Pollution
4 Fire Prediction, Air Pollution Modeling, and Decision Support Systems (DSS)
Mapping, Monitoring, and Modeling of Vegetation Fires
Wildfire Monitoring Using Infrared Bands and Spatial Resolution Effects
1 Introduction
2 Analyzing the Effect of Spatial Resolution of Infrared Band on Fire Monitoring

2.1 Principle of Fire Detection Using Infirared Channel
2.2 Analysis on the Influence of Infrared Channels with Different Resolution on Fire Monitoring
3 Case Study of Fire Monitoring Using Infrared Channels with Different Resolutions
3.1 Fire Detection
3.2 Evaluation of the Size of Sub-pixel Fire
3.3 A Case Study of Straw-Burning Fire Monitoring
3.4 A Case Study of Forest Fire Monitoring
4 Conclusion
Status and Drivers of Forest Fires in Myanmar
1 Introduction
2 Study Area
3 Data and Methods
3.1 Data
3.2 Methods
4 Results and Discussion

4.1 National Level
4.2 State Level
4.3 Landscape Level
5 Conclusion
Vegetation Fires and Entropy Variations in Myanmar
1 Introduction
2 Study Area
3 Datasets
3.1 VIIRS Fires
3.2 MODIS Burnt Areas
4 Methodology
5 Results and Discussion
Crop Residue Burning and Forest Fire Emissions in Nepal
1 Introduction
2 Study Area
3 Data and Methods
3.1 Crop Residue Open Burning
3.2 Forest Fire
3.3 Approach
4 Results and Discussion
5 Conclusion

Firewood Burning Dynamics by the Sri Lankan Households: Trends, Patterns, and Implications
1 Introduction
2 Literature Review
3 Data and Methods
4 Results and Discussion
5 Conclusion and Policy Implications
Burnt Area Signal Variations in Agriculture and Forested Landscapes of India-A Case Study Using Sentinel-1A/B Synthetic Aperture Radar
1 Introduction
2 Study Areas
3 Datasets
3.1 Sentinel-1A/B Datasets
4 Methodology
5 Results and Discussion

Application of Interferometry SAR for Monitoring of Peatland Area-Case Studies in Indonesia
1 Introduction
2 Study Area
2.1 Central Kalimantan Province
2.2 Kampar Peninsula, Riau Province
3 Data and Methods
3.1 Data
3.2 Satellite Data Used
3.3 Approach
4 Results and Discussion
4.1 The Observation of Peatland Surface Height Variability
4.2 Peatland Drought Analysis in ENSO year
4.3 Peatland Surface Loss Due to Fires
4.4 Observation of Peatland Fire Area Using SBAS DInSAR Analysis
4.5 Peat Dome Analysis
4.6 Peatland Subsidence Analysis
5 Conclusions

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