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Acknowledgment and Statement of Gratitude
Praise for Sustainable Macroeconomics, Climate Risks and Energy Transitions
1 Introduction and Overview
2 Sustainable Growth, Welfare, and Short-Termism
2.1 Sustainability, Natural Wealth, and Welfare
2.2 Intergenerational Welfare Improvements
2.3 Market Dynamics and Short-Termism
2.4 Fossil Fuel Resources: Their Use and the Environment
2.5 Conclusion
3 Non-sustainable Growth, Resource Extraction, and Boom-Bust Cycles
3.1 Resource Extraction and Boom-Bust Cycles

3.2 Foreign Debt Burdens, Borrowing Costs, and Risk Premia
3.3 Growth Models with Exhaustible Resources
3.3.1 Basic Growth Model with Resources
3.3.2 Modeling Resource Exports and Foreign Debt
3.4 Numerical Solutions-Economic Growth and External Debt Ratios
3.5 Conclusion
4 Fossil Fuel Resources, Environment, and Climate Change
4.1 Global Trend in Temperature-The Climate Impact of Fossil Fuels
4.2 Reserves and Production of Fossil Fuels
4.3 Gains and Losses from Changes in Resource Prices
4.4 Conclusion

5 Limits on the Extraction of Fossil Fuels
5.1 Resource Extraction, Its Management, and Prices
5.2 Modeling Extraction and Price Dynamics of Non-renewable Resources
5.3 Numerical Solutions and Results of Resource Extraction Strategies
5.4 Conclusion
6 Fossil Fuel Resource Depletion, Backstop Technology, and Renewable Energy
6.1 Introduction to Backstop Technology
6.2 Trends in Energy Prices and Costs
6.3 Modeling Extraction Costs and Backstop Technology
6.4 Numerical Solutions of Growth Models with Backstop Technology
6.5 Conclusion

7 Transition to a Low-Carbon Energy System
7.1 Is the Limit of the Carbon Budget Reached?
7.2 Emission Rise and the Carbon Budget
7.3 The Electricity Capacity from Renewable Power Generation
7.4 Environment, Mixed Energy System, and Sustainable Growth
7.5 Numerical Solutions-Fossil Fuel Extraction, Emission, and Damages
7.6 Conclusion
8 The Private Sector-Energy Transitions and Financial Market
8.1 Private Real and Financial Sectors
8.2 Some Stylized Facts
8.3 Incumbents and New Entrants in the Energy Sector-Dominant Fossil Fuel-Based Firms

8.4 Renewable Energy-Based Firms as Entrants
8.5 Financing Renewable Energy Firms and Capital Cost
8.6 Green Assets and Portfolio Performance
8.7 Conclusion
9 The Public Sector-Energy Transition and Fiscal and Monetary Policies
9.1 Public Sector and Policies
9.2 Climate-Macro Models with Mitigation and Adaptation
9.3 Public Sector, Fiscal Policy, and Climate Change
9.4 Numerical Solutions on Fiscal Policy Actions
9.5 Disaster Scenarios and Climate Policies
9.6 Central Banks, Monetary Policy, and Climate Change
9.7 Conclusion

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