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Tabula Contentorum
Tabula Quaestionum
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Utrum subiectum proprium in scientia libri De anima sit anima vel ille terminus anima vel corpus animatum vel quoddam aliud aut nihil.
Is the proper subject of the science discussed in De Anima the soul, the term 'soul', the living body, something else, or nothing?
Utrum omnis notitia sit de numero bonorum, id est utrum omnis notitia sit bona.
Is all cognition counted among good things, that is to say, is all cognition good?

Utrum omnis scientia sit de numero honorabilium.
Is all knowledge honorable?
Utrum scientia de anima sit de numero difficillimorum.
Is the science of the soul one of the most difficultsciences?
Utrum universale nihil est aut posterius est.
Is a universal nothing or posterior?
Utrum accidentia magnam partem conferant ad cognoscendum quod quid est.
Do accidents contribute a great deal towards cognizing what something is?
Circa secundum librum de anima quaeritur primo utrum omnis anima sit actus substantialis.

Concerning the second book of De Anima we ask first: Is every soul a substantial act?
Utrum omnis anima sit actus primus corporis organici.
Is every soul the first act of an organic body?
Utrum definitio animae sit bona qua dicitur anima est actus primus substantialis corporis physici organici habentis vitam in potentia.
Is the definition of the soul which says that the soul is the first substantial act of an organic physical body that has life in potency a good definition?
Utrum in eodem animali sit eadem anima vegetativa et sensitiva.

Are the vegetative and sensitive souls the samein an animal?
Utrum potentiae animae sint distinctae ab ipsa anima.
Are the powers of the soul distinct from the soul itself?
Utrum potentiae animae debeant distingui per actus autobiecta.
Should the powers of the soul be distinguished by their acts or objects?
Utrum tota anima sit in qualibet parte corporis animati.
Is the whole soul in every part of the animate body?
Utrum naturalissimum operum in viventibus sit generare sibi simile.
Is it the most natural operation of living things to generate their like?

Utrum sensus sit virtus passiva.
Is sense a passive power?
Utrum necesse est ad sentiendum esse sensum agentem.
Is an agent sense necessary in order to sense?
Utrum sensus possit decipi circa sensibile proprium sibi.
Can sense be deceived about a sensible proper to it?
Utrum sensibilia communia sint per se sensibilia.
Are common sensibles per se sensible?
Utrum numerus, magnitudo, figura, motus, et quies sint sensibilia communia et per se.
Are number, magnitude, shape, motion and rest common, per se sensibles?
Utrum color sit proprium obiectum visus.

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