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Knowledge Transfer & Sharing
Startups Knowledge Sharing Through Entrepreneurial Networks and The Catalytic Role of Incubators
Exploring the startups' paths for knowledge sharing in an emerging economy: a multilevel analysis
Knowledge Gaps Implementing Electronic Content Management in the Third Sector
Knowledge sharing during natural disasters: key characteristics of social media enablement
Knowledge in Business & Organisation
Telework Experience and Frequency, and Knowledge Management during COVID-19 in Japan
What is the Impact of Employees' Knowledge and Competencies on Building Sustainable Businesses? A Responsible Knowledge Management Perspective
The Role of Tacit Knowledge for Enhanced Quality Service Delivery in Organizations
Cybersecurity Management in micro, small, and medium enterprises in Colombia
Study on the impact of the telework on the employee’s productivity improvement and its business performance
Digital Transformation and Innovation
National innovation systems, knowledge resources and international competitiveness
Exploring the Context with Factors of Cloud Computing to Digital Transformation and Innovation
The Success of Business Transformation and Knowledge Management
Data Analysis and Science
Dealing with Dark Data – Shining a Light
Social Network Analysis to Accelerate for R&D of New Material Development
Global Megatrends and Global GDP in 2004-2021: An Empirical Big Data Look at John Naisbitt's 12 Key Global Megatrend Variables and Global GDP PPP
Corruption Control in the BRICS and in the G7 Countries: A Benchmarking Study with World Bank Data Files from Years 1996-2021
KM and Education
Doctoral Program in Computer Science: a study of demand and employability in Ecuador
Developing an Effective ICT Strategic Framework for Higher Education Institutions: A Case of Mataram University
Peer Online Training (POT) as Learning Activity in Computer Security Audit and Risks Management Teaching Module
Knowledge Management Process and Model
Development and Validation of a Knowledge Audit Framework for SMEs
Development of a Knowledge Transfer Model for family-owned SMEs
Theoretical Model of New Ways of Knowledge Creation and their Impact on Exploratory and Exploitative Innovation
Applying A Combination Model of Knowledge Management and Visitor Relationship Management in The Study of The Visitors of Historical Museum
Information & Knowledge Systems
The Use of No-code Platforms in Startups
Software Sustainability Requirements for Knowledge Management Systems in the Cultural Heritage Domain
The Assessment of Online Games' Cyber Security Awareness Level Based on Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behaviour Model
Innovations in future crime decision making through the codification of temporal expert knowledge
IT &New Trends in KM
Optimal Controller Selection Scheme using Artificial Bee Colony and Apriori algorithms in SDN
Add-BiGAN: An Add-based Bidirectional Generative Adversarial Networks for Intrusion Detection
Washroom Occupancy Tracking and Hygiene Monitoring System Using IoT in Universities
Experience-based Knowledge Management with a Conversational AI Chatbot: Taking Hand-Shaken Tea Service in Taiwan as an Example
Implementation of Quality Management Tools and Process-Based Management in Commercializing Organizations of Orthopaedic Devices in Colombia
Can Ethnic Differences in Television Watching and Physical Activity in UK Adults Affect Diabetics?
Potential Role of ChatGPT in Healthcare in the Prevention and Management of Non-Communicable Diseases. .

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