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Author Biography xvii
Preface xix
Acronyms xxi
List of Symbols xxv
Source Code Repositories xxix
1 Introduction 1
Part I Fundamentals of Audio Content Analysis 9
2 Analysis of Audio Signals 11
3 Input Representation 17
4 Inference 91
5 Data 107
Part II Music Transcription 127
7 Tonal Analysis 129
8 Intensity217
9 Temporal Analysis 229
10 Alignment 281
Part III Music Identification, Classification, and Assessment 303
11 Audio Fingerprinting 305
12 Music Similarity Detection and Music Genre Classification 317
13 Mood Recognition 337
14 Musical Instrument Recognition 347
15 Music Performance Assessment 355
Part IV Appendices 365
Appendix A Fundamentals 367
Appendix B Fourier Transform 385
Appendix C Principal Component Analysis 405
Appendix D Linear Regression 409
Appendix E Software for Audio Analysis 411
Appendix F Datasets 417
Index 425.

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