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Introduction (G.Landeschi and E. Betts)
More than Modal? exploring affect, affordance, invitation and solicitation (S. Eve and M. Gillings)
The Senses and the Sacred: a multisensory and digital approach to examining an Ancient Egyptian funerary landscape (E. Sullivan)
Kinesthetic Archaeologies: digital methods and the reconstruction of movement (S. Dunn)
Exploring Fragmented data: environments, people and the senses in Virtual Reality (C. Sciuto and A. Foka).-Combining 3D visibility analysis and virtual acoustics analysis for the architectural study of ancient theatres (C. Manzett)
⁰́b8Please, touch the exhibits⁰́b9: 3D archaeology for experiential spatialization (E. Bozia) Sailing along the coast of North Etruria: ancient perceptions vs multidisciplinary coastal landscape studies (M. Pasquinucci and G. Landeschi)
Multisensory Experiences in Archaeological Landscape: sound, vision, and movement in GIS and Virtual Reality. (H. Richards-Rissetto, K. E. Primeau, D. E. Witt, and G. Goodwin)
Home-making in 17th century Amsterdam: a 3D reconstruction to investigate visual cues in the entrance hall of Pieter de Graeff (1638-1707) (C. Piccoli)
The Embodied City: a method for multisensory mapping (A.Misharina and E. Betts).

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