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Chapter 1 STEM teacher education: an overview
Chapter 2 Implementing STEM policy in African Nations Teacher Education Programs: Insights from some Southern African countries
Chapter 3 STEMifying Teacher Education A Canadian Context
Chapter 4 STEM in Canadian teacher education: An overview
Chapter 5 Science teacher education in Chile: on the verge of a turning point towards STEM-oriented science education
Chapter 6 To STEAM or Not to STEAM: Is it a matter of professional development or professional creation?
Chapter 7 Preparation of teachers for STEM education in Hong Kong
Chapter 8 Status Study on Japanese Pre-Service and In-Service Science Teachers Preparation in STEM/STEAM Learning: Science teacher preparedness for STEM/STEAM education in Japan
Chapter 9 Perspectives on reforming science teacher education programs toward integrated STEM in Malaysia
Chapter 10 Science teacher preparation in Oman: strengths and shortcomings related to STEM education
Chapter 11 STEM education in the Spanish context: key features and issues
Chapter 12 An exploration of co-teaching in STEM teacher professional development programs in Turkey
Chapter 13 Entanglement of the United States and Turkish science and mathematics educators through the lens of becomings: Conceptualizing STEM education using a Bakhtinian dialogic approach
CHAPTER-14 Greater than the sum of its parts: centering science in the STEM era
Chapter 15 U.S. Next Generation Science Standards: Possibilities, not Prescriptions for STEM Teacher Education
Chapter 16 Current trends in science curriculum reforms in response to STEM Education: international trends, policies and challenges.

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