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Part I : Analytical, Descriptive and Predictive
Chapter 1. Towards Data Lake Technologies for Intelligent Societies and Cities
Chapter 2. An analysis of Smart Cities Initiatives in Portugal
Chapter 3. Intelligent dashboards for car parking flow monitoring
Chapter 4. Tourist as a Smart Tourist: a review
Part II: Attractive, Engaging and Fun
Chapter 5. Smart Tourism Design: Take Experience and Resource Integration as the core
Chapter 6. Sustainable Mobility: How to Gamify, and Factors to Better Success
Chapter 7. How do citizens want to participate in smart city programs? Some answers from Greece
Chapter 8. Sociable Smart Cities
Part III: Healthy, Secure and Sustainable
Chapter 9. Fostering Healthy Food Habits Through Video Games
Chapter 10. Smart solutions for sustainability: RDI for urban and societal transitions requires cross-sectoral experimentation platforms
Chapter 11. Protecting organizations from Cyber Attacks: an implemented solution based on CyberArk
Chapter 12. A sustainable framework to manage plastic waste in urban environments using open data
Chapter 13. Mapping Industry 4.0 onto eco-city transitions: A knowledge-action matrix
Part IV: Innovative, Connected and Monitored
Chapter 14. Smart Roofs System: Moisture and temperature monitoring on smart roofs. - Chapter 15. Next Generation Fashion Ecosystem: A STVgoDigital Approach
Chapter 16. Public Transportation Occupancy Rate
Chapter 17. Remote TrafficLight System to support TrafficLight Maintenance.

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