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Part1. Introduction
Chapter1. Geoheritage: A growing research topic in morocco and the middle atlas
Part2. lithostratigraphic and sedimentological heritage
Chapter2. Paleozoic-lower and middle lias lithostratigraphic and sedimentological geosites of the middle atlas (morocco): inventory and valorization
Chapter3. The brown and ammonitic-rosso levels: geoheritage reflecting the toarcian lithostratigraphy of the middle atlas (morocco)
Chapter4. Jbel serhla: A particular geosite of lithostratigraphic, paleogeographic and paleontological amplitude
Chapter5. Cenozoic sites of the middle atlas (morocco): an alpine heritage to be preserved
Part3. Palaeontological heritage
Chapter6. The palaeontological heritage of vertebrates in the middle atlas (morocco): initiatives of inventory and assessment for a rare heritage threatened with degradation
Chapter7. 3D virtual visit of the paleontological site of anchrif (middle atlas, morocco): a new perspective for the enhancement of geoheritage
Part4. Hydric heritage
Chapter8. Hydric geosites of middle atlas: a natural heritage under threat
Chapter9. Fluvial heritage of the middle atlas (morocco): an essential element for regional sustainable development
Part5. Karst heritage
Chapter10. Exo- and endokarst of the middle atlas (morocco): from inventory to promotion
Chapter11. Geomorphological study of the endo-karst of the middle atlas as a geological heritage to be preserved, case of the chaara cave, province of taza
Chapter12. Biodiversity endokarstic of the middle atlas: an underground richness to inventory
Part6. Volcanic heritage
Chapter13. Volcanic landscape of the middle atlas: a representative heritage of moroccan geological history
Chapter14. The volcanism of the plio-quaternary of azrou-timahdite plateau (central middle atlas, morocco): potential for geotourism development
Part7. Conclusion
Chapter15. Geoheritage: between geological heritage protection initiatives.

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