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Section 1. Introduction to Key Concepts
1. Foundations of Intellectual Disability
2. Communication as a Basis for Person-Centred Support
3. Care in a Multi/Interdisciplinary Context
4. Attachment, Cognitive Dissonance and Reciprocation in Intellectual Disability Care Provision
Section 2. From Birth to Adolescence
5. The Nature of Intellectual Disability
6. Children and Adolescents with Intellectual Disability
7. Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities and Rare Diseases
8. Other Neurodevelopmental Conditions
Section 3. From Adulthood to Older Age
9. Chronic Health Among Those with Intellectual Disability
10. Ageing and Intellectual Disability
11. Intellectual Disability, Mental Health and Mental Disorders
Section 4. Integrating Health and Social Perspectives
12. The Social Contract of Care for People with an Intellectual Disability
13. Enabling Families to Support Adults with an Intellectual Disability to Live a Life of their Choosing
14. Social Integration and Inclusion
15. Supporting Transitions
16. Sexuality, Gender Identity and Relationships.

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