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Machine Learning
CCLM: Class-conditional Label Noise Modelling
Addressing class imbalance in Multilabel Prototype Generation for k-Nearest Neighbor classification
Time series imputation in faulty systems
DARTS with degeneracy correction
A fuzzy logic inference system for display characterization
Learning Semantic-Visual Embeddings with a Priority Queue
Learning Semantic-Visual Embeddings with a Priority Queue
Continual vocabularies to tackle the catastrophic forgetting problem in Machine Translation
Evaluating Domain Generalization in Kitchen Utensils Classification
Document Analysis
Segmentation of Large Historical Manuscript Bundles into Multi-page Deeds
A Study of Augmentation Methods for Handwritten Stenography Recognition
Lifelong Learning for Document Image Binarization: A Experimental Study
Test-Time Augmentation for Document Image Binarization
A Weakly-Supervised Approach for Layout Analysis in Music Score Images
ResPho(SC)Net: A Zero-Shot Learning Framework for Norwegian Handwritten Word Image Recognition
Computer Vision
DeepArUco: Marker detection and classification in challenging lightning conditions
Automated Detection and Identification of Olive Fruit Fly using YOLOv7 Algorithm
Learning to search for and detect objects in foveal images using deep learning
Relation networks for few-shot video object detection
Optimal Wavelength Selection for Deep Learning from Hyperspectral Images
Can representation learning for multimodal image registration be improved by supervision of intermediate layers?
Interpretability-Guided Human Feedback During Neural Network Training
Calibration of Non-Central Conical Catadioptric Systems from Parallel Lines
S² -LOR: Supervised Stream Learning for Object Recognition
Evaluation of Regularization Techniques for Transformers-Based Models
3D Computer Vision
Guided depth completion using active infrared images in Time of Flight system
StOCaMo: Online Calibration Monitoring for Stereo Cameras
Smart-Tree: Neural Medial Axis Approximation of Point Clouds for 3D Tree Skeletonization
A Measure of Tortuosity for 3D Curves: Identifying 3D beating patterns of sperm flagella
The ETS2 Dataset, synthetic data from video games for monocular depth estimation
Computer Vision Applications
Multimodal Human Pose feature fusion for Gait recognition
Proxemics-Net: automatic proxemics recognition in images
Lightweight Vision Transformers for Face Verification in the Wild
Py4MER: a CTC-based Mathematical Expression Recognition System
Hierarchical Line Extremity Segmentation U-Net for the SoccerNet 2022 Calibration Challenge - Pitch Localization
Object Localization with Multiplanar Fiducial Markers: Accurate Pose Estimation
Real-time unsupervised object localization on the edge for airport video surveillance
Identifying Thermokarst Lakes Using Discrete Wavelet Transform-Based Deep Learning Framework
Object Detection for Rescue Operations by High-altitude Infrared Thermal Imaging Collected by Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
Medical Imaging & Applications
Inter vs. Intra Domain Study of COVID Chest X-Ray Classification with Imbalanced Datasets
Automatic Eye-Tracking-Assisted Chest Radiography Pathology Screening
Deep Neural Networks to distinguish between Crohn's disease and Ulcerative colitis
Few-shot image classification for automatic COVID-19 diagnosis
An ensemble-based phenotype classifier to diagnose Crohn's disease from 16s rRNA gene sequences
Synthetic spermatozoa video sequences generation using Adversarial Imitation Learning
A Deep Approach for Volumetric Tractography Segmentation
MicrogliaJ: an Automatic Tool for Microglial Cell Detection and Segmentation
Automated Orientation Detection of 3D Head Reconstructions from sMRI using Multiview Orthographic Projections: An Image Classification-Based Approach
Machine Learning Applications
Enhancing Transferability of Adversarial Audio in Speaker Recognition Systems
Fishing Gear Classification from Vessel Trajectories and Velocity Profiles: Database and Benchmark
Multi-view Infant Cry Classification
Study and automatic translation of Toki Pona
Detecting Loose Wheel Bolts of a Vehicle using Accelerometers in the Chassis
Clustering ECG time series for the quantification of physiological reactions to emotional stimuli
Predicting the Subjective Responses' Emotion in Dialogues with Multi-Task Learning
Few-shot learning for prediction of electricity consumption patterns.

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