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Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 The Challenge
1.2 Soils and Sustainable Agriculture
1.3 Ensuring and Advancing Food Security
1.4 What do the Above Data Prove?
1.5 What Does the Concept of Soil Health Mean?
1.6 A Looming Global Food Crisis
1.7 The Global Scenario
1.8 What is the Situation in India?
1.9 What is the Future?
Chapter 2: What are Microbial Fertilizers and What is Their Role in Bio Farming?
2.1 Nitrogenous Microbial Fertilizers and Their Role in Bio Farming
2.2 The Morphology of Rhizobium

2.3 The Mode of Infection
2.4 The Process of Nodulation
2.5 The Process of Nitrogen Fixation
2.6 How is the Rhizobium Bacteria Produced En Masse?
2.7 How is the Microorganism Cultured?
2.8 How to Prepare the Inoculum?
2.9 Processing the Carrier Material
2.10 How to Mix the Carrier Material with the Broth Culture and Subsequent Packing?
2.11 Specifications for the Polythene Bag
2.12 Storing the Microbial Fertilizer
2.13 Benefits of Azospirillum
2.14 Details of Azospirillum
2.15 Morphology of Azospirillum

2.16 How to Mix the Carrier Material with the Broth and Pack It Up?
2.17 What Specifications are Prescribed for the Polythene Bags Used for Packing the Inoculum?
2.18 What is the Best Mode to Store Microbial Fertilizer Packages?
2.19 Details of Azotobacter
2.20 Which are the Most Important Species of Azotobacter?
2.21 What are the Steps Involved in the Mass Production of Azotobacter?
2.22 How to Culture the Bacterium?
2.23 How to Prepare the Inoculum?
2.24 How to Process the Carrier Material?

2.25 The Illustrious Example of Phosphate-Solubilizing Microorganisms (PSM): How do These Microorganisms Function?
2.26 Making Fixed Phosphate Bioavailable Through Which Route
2.27 Producing PSM En Masse
2.28 How to Prepare the Inoculum?
2.29 How to Process the Carrier Material and Which are the Preferred Carrier Materials?
2.30 How to Mix the Carrier Material with the Culture Broth and Pack It?
2.31 What are the Specifications Used for the Polythene Bags?
2.32 How to Store the Microbial Fertilizer Properly?
2.33 Phosphate-Mobilizing Fungus (PMF)

2.34 Benefits of Mycorrhiza
2.35 The Presence of VAM Fungi on Plant Roots
2.36 How to Identify the Morphological Characteristics of the VAM Spores?
2.37 Observing the Spore Under a Compound Microscope
2.38 How to Produce VAM Fungi En Masse?
2.39 How to Produce AMF En Masse on the Farm Front?
2.40 Potash-Solubilizing Bacterium (KSB)
2.41 How Does the Mechanism of K Solubilization Operate?
2.42 The Bacteria That Solubilize Zinc and Silica
2.43 How is Silica Solubilized?
2.44 What are the Plant Growth-Promoting Bacteria (PGPR)?

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