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The Bubble Act and the First Corporate Economy
Mr Morice is said to appear at the head: The Bubble Act and an Aborted Joint-Stock Slave-Trading Company
That ever-memorable year of epidemical infatuation: Incorporation, the Jamaica Mines Company, and the Bubble Act of 1720
Pamphlet Poetry and the South Sea Bubble
Decoding the Bubble: Popular Magic, Financial Deception, and Eliza Haywoods Memoirs of a Certain Island Adjacent to Utopia
Consequences Unintended: The Bubble Act and American Independence
Capitalism by Generalists: The Governance of the Ayr Bank and the Emergence of Professionalism in Mid-Eighteenth-Century Scottish Banking
Royal Charters, Royal Power, and the Business of Empire
Babbages Age of Speculation: Calculating the Value of Life After the Repeal of the Bubble Act
The Repeal of the Bubble Act and the Debate Between the Currency School and the Banking School
Agency Houses in Bengal and the Indigo Bubble

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