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Race and Africa, Race in Africa
Sources, Methods, and Organization of the Book
1 Multiracial Identities and the Consolidation and Subversion of Racialized French Colonial Rule in French West Africa and French Equatorial Africa, ca. 1900-1930
Multiraciality and French Colonial Thought, Practice, and Policies: Shifting Alliances of Church and State in FWA and FEA

Anchors of Belonging in French Society: Motherhood and Fostering of Multiracial Children in FEA
Disentangling Education of Children from French Legal Status
Métis Men and Military Service: Gatekeeping French Citizenship in FWA
2 Wards of the State: Claiming and Mediating Colonial Government Welfare and French Institutional Care of Multiracial Children in the 1930s
The Colonial Welfare State in French Africa in the 1930s
Colonial Welfare for Multiracial Children in Senegal

Follow the Money: African Mothers, French Catholic Women, and Disbursement of Welfare Aid for Métisses Girls
Multiracial Children and Colonial Welfare in Gabon: The Association of Métis in Libreville
Boarding Home-School for Métis Children
Conclusion: A Child Ward Grows Up
3 ''I Am French'': Multiraciality and Citizenship in FWA and FEA, ca. 1928-1938
Race and Citizenship in French Metropolitan and Colonial Thought and Law, ca. 1928-1930
Step One of Petitioning for French Citizenship in FWA: Proving Frenchness

Step Two of Petitioning for Citizenship: Proving Filiation in Colonial Court
Children and Citizenship: Parental Rights and Colonial Law in FWA
Adults and Citizenship: Frenchness, Filiation, and Naming in FWA
The Promulgation of Métis Citizenship Law in FEA, 1931-1936
Birthright or Merit? Contesting Citizenship in Courts of Opinion and in Colonial Courts in Libreville and Brazzaville
Impact of French Citizenship Laws for Métis in FWA and FEA
4 ''Odd Notions of Race'': Reconfiguring Rights of/to Citizenship and Children, 1939-ca. 1950

FWA: Race and Multiracialism in the Vichy Years, 1940-1943
FEA: Félix Eboué and New Native Social Policy, 1940-1943
Reforming Welfare Aid for Children and Maternal Households in Reunited French Africa, 1943-1944
Protests and Petitions: Struggles for Social Rights of Métis in Brazzaville, 1944-1946
Racial Difference, Racism, and New French Citizenship Status in Africa, 1946
Funding and Defunding of Métis Children in Schools in Territorial Assemblies in Brazzaville and Libreville, 1946-1950

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