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Title page
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List of Figures
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1 Taking Children and Young People Seriously: A Caring Relational Approach to Education
The Cultural-Historical Theoretical Underpinnings of Understanding Children's Development
A Wholeness Approach
A Relational Approach to Education
Unfolding Agency for Social Inclusion
How the Book Is Organized
2 A Cultural-Historical Approach to Children's Development and Childhood
A Wholeness Approach

A Society Creates Conditions for Children's Development through Different Forms of Institutional Practices
Age Periods Framed by Leading Relations
Children's Emotional Crises Indicating Developmental Changes in Their Motive Orientation
The Zone of Proximal Development Seen from the Perspective of Different Age Periods Characterized by Different Learning Forms
Methodology: Age Periods and the Child's Social Situation of Development
Final Reflections
3 Working Relationally with Other Professionals and Families

The Three Relational Concepts in Work with Other Professionals and with Families
Relational Support for Children in Transitions
Working Relationally across Roles and Positions
Building Common Knowledge in the Space of Reasons
Working Relationally for Social Inclusion in and across Institutions
Using the Relational Concepts to Assess and Develop Collaboration for the Support of Children
Final Reflections
4 Very Young Children: Taking a Double Perspective in Understanding Their Development
Communication as the Key to Young Children's Development

The Changing Dynamic between Caregivers and Infants in Different Phases in Children's Development
The Neonate's Social Situation of Development
The Infant's Social Situation of Development
A Nursery Child's Social Situation of Development
The Interactive Observation Method
Assessment of a Nursery Child's Social Situation of Development Using the Interactive Observation Method
The Use of the Observation for a Critical Common-sense Interpretation
Interpretation of Simon's Social Situation of Development

Conclusion and Suggestions for Intervention in Simon's Everyday Nursery Activities
Relational Expertise, Common Knowledge and Relational Agency: Supporting Families in Supporting Their Young Children
Final Reflections
5 Care and Education in Kindergarten with Play as the Core Activity
Ways of Learning in Kindergarten Practice
Play as the Central Way to Learn in the Preschool Age
Adults' Role in Children's Play
Emotional Experiences and Feelings as Foundations for Children's Imagination in Play
Emotional Tension in Children's Play

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