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Preface to the Second Edition
Preface to the First Edition
1 Introduction
1.1 History
1.2 Lake Ice Science
1.3 Ice Season
1.4 This Book
2 Freezing of Lakes
2.1 Lake Types and Characteristics
2.1.1 Lake Basins
2.1.2 Water Budget of Lakes
2.1.3 Physical Properties of Lake Water
2.2 Ice-Covered Lakes
2.2.1 Freezing of Lakes
2.2.2 Vertical Mixing and Seasons
2.2.3 Seasonal Lake Ice Zone
2.2.4 Lakes with Perennial Ice
2.3 Climate and Water Budget
2.3.1 General Regional Climate
2.3.2 Radiation Balance

2.3.3 Air Pressure, Temperature, Humidity and Wind
2.4 Remote Sensing of Lake Ice
2.4.1 Techniques
2.4.2 Optical Remote Sensing
2.4.3 Thermal Remote Sensing
2.4.4 Microwave Remote Sensing
3 Structure and Properties of Lake Ice
3.1 Ice Ih: The Solid Phase of Water on Earth
3.1.1 Ice Crystal Structure
3.1.2 Ice Nucleation
3.1.3 Ice Formation in Lakes
3.1.4 Physical Properties of Lake Ice
3.1.5 Snow Cover on Ice
3.2 Lake Ice Types and Stratigraphy
3.2.1 Ice Structure Analysis
3.2.2 Lake Ice Stratigraphy
3.2.3 Ice Mass Balance

3.3 Impurities in Lake Ice Cover
3.4 Light Transfer Through Ice Cover
3.4.1 Radiance and Irradiance
3.4.2 Optical Properties of Lake Ice
3.4.3 Light Transmittance
4 Thermodynamics of Seasonal Lake Ice
4.1 Heat Budget of Freezing Lakes
4.1.1 Heat Budget and Radiation Balance
4.1.2 Solar Radiation
4.1.3 Terrestrial Radiation
4.2 Turbulent Heat Exchange with the Atmosphere and Water Body
4.2.1 Boundary Layer Above Lake Ice
4.2.2 Boundary-Layer Below Lake Ice
4.3 Ice Growth and Melting
4.3.1 Thermodynamic Principles
4.3.2 Congelation Ice

4.3.3 Snow on Ice
4.3.4 Frazil Ice
4.3.5 Ice Melting
4.4 Thermodynamic Models of Lake Ice
4.4.1 Basics
4.4.2 Analytic Models
4.4.3 Numerical Models
4.4.4 Quasi-Steady Models
4.4.5 Time-Dependent Models
4.4.6 Two-Phase Models
5 Mechanics of Lake Ice
5.1 Rheology
5.1.1 Stress
5.1.2 Strain and Rotation
5.1.3 Rheological Models
5.2 Ice Cover as a Plate on Water Foundation
5.2.1 Elastic Lake Ice Cover
5.2.2 Viscous Behaviour of Lake Ice
5.2.3 Thermal Cracking and Expansion
5.2.4 Displacements in Ice Cover

5.3 Bearing Capacity of Ice
5.4 Ice Forces
5.4.1 Ice Load Problems
5.4.2 Estimation of Ice Loads
5.5 Drift Ice in Lakes
5.5.1 Drift Ice Material
5.5.2 Equations of Drift Ice Mechanics
5.5.3 Models of Drift Ice Dynamics
6 Proglacial Lakes
6.1 Ice Sheets and Glaciers
6.2 Supraglacial Lakes
6.2.1 Structure of Supraglacial Lakes
6.2.2 Thermodynamics of Supraglacial Lakes
6.2.3 Case Study
6.3 Epiglacial Lakes
6.3.1 Occurrence of Epiglacial Lakes
6.3.2 Thermodynamics of Epiglacial Lakes
6.4 Subglacial Lakes

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