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Classifying the Post-Duplication Fate of Paralogous Genes
Inferring clusters of orthologous and paralogous transcripts
On the class of double distance problems
The Floor is Lava - Halving Genomes with Viaducts, Piers and Pontoons
Two strikes against the phage recombination problem
Physical mapping of two nested fixed inversions in the X chromosome of the malaria mosquito Anopheles messeae
Gene order phylogeny via ancestral genome reconstruction under Dollo
Prior Density Learning in Variational Bayesian Phylogenetic Parameters Inference
The Asymmetric Cluster Affinity Cost
The k-RF Measures for Labeled Trees
Bounding the Number of Reticulations in a Tree-Child Network That Displays a Set of Trees
Finding agreement cherry-reduced subnetworks in level-1 networks
CONSULT-II: Taxonomic identification using Locality Sensitive Hashing
MAGE: Strain Level Profiling of Metagenome Samples
MoTERNN: Classifying the Mode of Cancer Evolution Using Recursive Neural Networks.

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