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Part I: Global Value Chains Foundations and empirical facts in Latin America
Chapter 1. Global value chains evolution in Latin America
Chapter 2: Latin American economies in Global value chains: Main evidence
Chapter 3: Global Value Chains: Production and Innovation Clusters
Part II: Governance, Institutions and Hierarchies
Chapter 4: Sugar Agribusinesses in Central America: Institutionality and Policies
Chapter 5: Governance in the D.O. Café Pluma Hidalgo from Oaxaca and the D.O. Habanero pepper from the Yucatan Peninsula
Chapter 6: Governance and the Institutional Framework: The Case of Products with Designation of Origin in Mexico
Part III: Case Studies in Agribusiness and Agri-Food Industries
Chapter 7: Global value chains in the Coffee sector: A comparative analysis between El Salvador and mexico
Chapter 8: Coffee from Micro batches as a new form of Marketing: The case of producers in Costa Rica's Western Central Valley
Chapter 9: Upgrading options for small cocoa producers in Guatemala
Chapter 10 The Competitiveness of corn production from a global value chain approach in the southern region of Costa Rica
PART IV: Case studies in skill and knowledge - Intensive Industries
Chapter 11: The Gestation of a Triple helix in Queretaro, its contribution to the formation of the global value chain of the Aerospace Industry and the type of upgrading that powers
Chapter 12: The Automotive Industry in Western Mexico and the performance of Local suppliers in the value chains of Multinational Companies.

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