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Foreword 1
Foreword 2
Preface and Acknowledgment
About the Book
Dr. Umar Zakir Abdul Hamid
Associate Professor. Dr. Mari Suoheimo
Editors' Joint Appreciation
List of Reviewers
About the Editors
Part I Introduction
1 Introductory Chapter: Service Design for Emerging Technologies Product Development
Definition of Product
Service Design: Brief Concept Overview
Challenges for Emerging Technologies Product Development
Summary and Expectations for This Book

2 Product Development Challenges for Emerging Technologies and Service Design Roles in Addressing the Issues
The Objective and Contributions of This Chapter
Emerging Technologies
Challenges for Emerging Technologies' Product Development
Lack of End-User Perspective
Failure to Understand the Market Demands
Rise of Software
Attracting and Retaining the New Generation of Talents
Unclear Visions and Unclarified `Why'
Overhyped and Misleading Marketing
Service Design
How Service Design Can Improve the Product Development for Emerging Technologies

Fusion of Service Design Output in the PDLC Help to Early Rectification
Co-creation for Delivering the Right Experience
Transitioning from Innovation to Creating Value for Profitability
Designing a Structure and Organization for Emerging Technologies' Product Organization
Potential Challenges in Adopting Service Design in the Emerging Technologies' Productization
Summary and Conclusions
Part II Frameworks and Research Lenses for Service Design in Emerging Technologies Product Development
3 Historical Perspectives on Service Design and Technology

Historical Perspectives
Key Perspectives on Service Design
Service-Dominant Logic Informing Service Design
Service Design
Product-Service System
Design for Service
Service Ecosystem Design
4 Macro-Trend Study Under Service System: Preliminary Research in Service Innovation and Emerging Technology
Literature Review
The History of Service Design
The Definition of Service Design
The Measurement and Effectiveness of Service Design Quality
Macro-Trend Models: People-Centered, Technology-Centered, and Hybrid

Service Systems: Product, Service, and Experience Design
Research Methods
Step 1: Relevant Material Study
Step 2: The Framework Analysis
Step 3: Content Synthesis
Step 4: Insight Generation
Research Result
People-Centered Model
Technology-Centered Model
Hybrid Model
Discussion and Next Step
People-Centered Model and Experience Design
Technology-Centered Model and Product Design
Hybrid Model and Service Design
High-Touch Is a Critical Catalyst in Service and Experience Design
Technology Is Viewed as a Vehicle to Deliver Value to People

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